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P.G Quarterly District
Section Task


Policy for adding PG sources for previously approved JMF’s
***All PG Sources must be Certified***
Any change in polymer types (SBS/Elvaloy® or SBR) or GTR will require a complete mix design re-submittal
This revised policy takes effect 12/3/2019
PG 58-28 and PG 64-22: No additional requirements for changing PG binder sources. Must notify District Testing of PG source change and document on TE-199.
PG 64-28, PG 64-28M, PG 70-22M, and PG 76-22M: The following needs to be submitted to the ODOT C/O Lab for Approval:
1) A one (1) point mix design is required using the new PG source.
2) Revised mixing and compaction chart using the new PG source data.
3) Updated test data, including TSR, APA, etc. for the new PG source.
4) Revised page 2 of the mix design packet containing the new PG source data.
5) New samples at the optimum Asphalt Content using the new PG source (Rice, Pills etc.)
PG 88-22M: Requires a complete mix design re-submittal
Note: Asphalt Level 3 labs who are AASHTO accredited still must do a one point design including submitting the mix to OMM.