253 Pavement Repair

Description (253.01)

Removal of Existing Pavement (253.02)

Placement of Asphalt Concrete (253.03)

Documentation Requirements – 253 Pavement Repair


Description (253.01)

This work consists of removing existing asphalt concrete, brick, Portland cement concrete or aggregate pavement courses; shaping and compacting the exposed material; and placing new asphalt concrete pavement or aggregate and asphalt concrete pavement courses.

The plans show details about the repairs and replacement material.


Removal of Existing Pavement (253.02)

The Engineer shall mark all areas for removal.  The pavement shall be cut at the limits marked and removed.  Ensure that the pavement is removed to full depth or to the depth shown in the plans and that adjacent pavement is not damaged during removal.  If the adjacent pavement is damaged, remove all loose pavement to full depth or to the depth specified in the plans.

Removed pavement shall be disposed of in accordance with 202.02.  The Inspector shall determine and document where and how pavement is being disposed by the Contractor.


Placement of Asphalt Concrete (253.03)

The exposed underlying material must be shaped and compacted.  The asphalt material shall be as specified in the plans.  Before placing asphalt concrete, all vertical faces of the existing pavement must be cleaned and coated with asphalt material according to 401.14.  The replacement material must be placed in appropriate lifts.  Each lift must be thoroughly and uniformly compacted using suitable compaction equipment.  The final lift must be flush with the existing pavement surface.

Compact the final lift using a pneumatic tire roller that conforms to 401.13.  The final lift should be compacted with at least 18 passes over all points on the entire surface of the repair area.  A pass is defined as one movement of the roller over the surface of the patch.  As the rolling progresses, add additional patching material, as necessary, to produce a smooth surface flush with the existing pavement surface.

Continuously compact each lift while the material is in a workable condition throughout the depth of the lift.

If an overlay is not scheduled to be placed within 60 days of the repair, the perimeter of the repair shall be trimmed vertically 1.5 inches deep from the surface before placing the final lift of asphalt concrete.


If the Contract does not include resurfacing, the perimeter surface of the repaired areas must be sealed with a 4” (100 mm) wide band by applying approved 702.04 asphalt material, RS-1, RS-2, CRS-1, CRS-2, or 702.01 approved PG binder.

After completing repairs, the existing shoulders must be repaired to the condition that existed prior to the repair work.


Documentation Requirements - 253 Pavement Repair

1.        Locate, mark, and record all areas to be repaired.

2.        Document removal of deteriorated pavement.  Note condition of existing adjacent pavement.

3.        Document the disposal of removed pavement.

4.        Document preparation of subgrade.

5.        Document that the area was cleaned and tacked with 407 tack coat.

6.        Document the placement and compaction (number of lifts and compaction method) of approved 301 or 448 Type 2 asphalt, or other as specified by plan.

7.        Document the location of repairs, measurements, and calculations, and pay per 253.05.

8.        Show documentation on CA-D-6 or other approved form.