666.01  Description

666.02  Wound Dressing

666.03  Pruning

666.04  Painting

666.05  Removal of Foreign Materials from Trees

666.06  Removal of Rubbish

666.07  Method of Measurement

666.08  Basis of Payment


666.01  Description.  This work consists of pruning trees.

666.02  Wound Dressing.  Use approved material specifically manufactured for tree wound dressing.

666.03  Pruning.  Prune all trees to make them shapely, typical of the species, using standard drawings on the plans as a guide.  Use approved pruning tools and methods.

Remove all dead wood and dead branches 1 inch (25 mm) or more in diameter.  Remove all branches interfering with or hindering the healthy growth of the tree with a good clean cut made flush with the parent trunk.  Remove all diseased branches.  For branches that may be partly dead, yet have a good healthy lateral branch between the dead part and the base, cut off the branch with a good clean slanting cut close to and beyond the healthy lateral branch.

Remove low hanging, unsound, or unsightly branches on trees or shrubs designated to remain.  Remove all branches or growth interfering with the free traffic movement on the highway.  Trim branches of trees extending over the roadbed to provide a clear height of 20 feet (6 m) above the roadbed surface.

Cut off all stubs or improper cuts resulting from former pruning or limbs that have been broken flush with the trunk or limb of the tree in order to ensure proper healing.

666.04  Painting.  Paint all cuts or wounds measuring 1 inch (25 mm) or more in diameter and all exposed wood and scars resulting from previous work or damage with approved tree wound dressing.

666.05  Removal or Foreign Materials from Trees.  Remove all nails, spikes, bolts, wire, or other foreign materials driven into or fastened to the trunk or branches of the tree, or, if directed by the Engineer, cut them flush with the bark of cambium layer to ensure complete healing over.

666.06  Removal of Rubbish.  Legally use, burn, or dispose of all material according to 105.16 and 105.17.

666.07  Method of Measurement.  The Department will measure Pruning Existing Trees by the number of each size, completed and accepted.

666.08  Basis of Payment.  The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item           Unit                                Description

666             Each                                Pruning Existing Trees,
                                                               3 to 8-inch (80 to 200 mm) Diameter

666             Each                                Pruning Existing Trees,
                                                               8 to 16-inch (200 to 400 mm) Diameter

666             Each                                Pruning Existing Trees,
                                                               16 to 24-inch (400 to 600 mm) Diameter

666             Each                                Pruning Existing Trees,
                                                               24 to 36-inch (600 to 900 mm) Diameter

666             Each                                Pruning Existing Trees,
                                                               36 inches (900 mm) and Over