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Small Business Network (SBN) (Online Subcontractor Quote Request and Reply)

The Small Business Network (SBN) is designed to enhance the communication process between small businesses (DBEs, subcontractors, vendors, etc.) and the Prime contracting community.

SBN is a program to enable prime contractors and subcontractors to enter request for quotes and responses to those requests, as well as unsolicited quotes to primes via the online interface.  Quotes are routed to prime contractors via email to keep subcontract quote information confidential. 

Prime contractor features include 1) creating a subcontract quote request, 2) viewling of lettings, 3) utilization of Good Faith Effort Form, 4) management of unsolicited quotes as well as managing replies to any quotes received. 

Subcontractor features include 1) viewing and opening a quote request from the prime, 2) creating a reply to requests, 3) managing saved replies to quote requests and 4) creating unsolicited quotes. 

Subcontractors can utilize Small Business Network to ease the processing of quotes to and from the prime contractor and utilize unsolicited quote functionality by preparing quotes prior to getting requests from the potential prime contractors.  Prime contractors can leverage data from the Small Business Network to ensure Good Faith Effort has been made to back up possible waiver requests on projects with goals attached.  

Additionally, ODOT has obtained several licenses for distribution to subcontractors who do not bid as prime and those who do not currently have a Bid Express account.   

Training was provided the first week of November, 2010, with over 100 participants from the contracting community.  Feedback has been very positive.  If you missed the training and wish to be provided a walk-through please contact Tina Collins in the Office of Contracts.

The below content can only be accessed with a Bid Express username and password.

SBN Training - Conducted on November 9th and 10th

Small Business Network Site & Information