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Draft Manuals & Forms

As Central Office Real Estate moves forward in our efforts to provide procedures that are streamlined and effective we have revamped the 4000 series of the Real Estate Appraisal Manual. The specific series of this section consist of the following procedures:
¾     4000 Section - Appraisal and Appraisal Review
¾     4100 Section - Managing the FMVE Delivery Process
¾     4200 Section - Condemantion Appraisal
¾     4300 Section - Appraisal Review
¾     4400 Section - Scope and Index to Compensability
¾     4500 Section - Appraisal and Appraisal Review for Parcels Not Subject to Eminent Domain
The most visible change to the current Real Estate Appraisal Manual (1/16/2007) is the addenda section of the manual where examples of completed forms are provided.  The 2011 version will no longer have a addenda section showing examples of completed forms.  In the future examples of completed forms will be available on the Real Estate Forms webpage. This will provide you with immediate access to examples on how to fill out any ODOT Real Estate form. This manual has had a major rewrite and has  been reduced in size by 46%.  The Summary R/W Appraisal Report (RE-17) has had major revisions, especially the sections dealing with the residue property, cost to cure analysis and the acquisition analysis.  The RE 25-1, which is inserted into the RE 25-17 also has major revisions.
Should you have any questions or wish to discuss the changes to the manual, please contact Kevin O'Grady at 614-466-5054 or Doug Maitland at 614-466-6802. Please provide any comments you have on the Draft Manual to Doug Maitland or Kevin O'Grady via email at
We appreciate your time spent reviewing of these documents and look forward to working with each of you in the future.