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Regulations - Parking Restrictions
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Regulations - Parking Restrictions

Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 4511.68 establishes certain parking prohibitions and ORC Section 4511.69 notes additional provisions related to parking locations and provisions. (The ORC may be accessed on-link using the Links Page shown in the menu on the left.)

Special legal authority is required to establish parking controls at any type of location not covered under existing laws. For rural state highways, these Parking Control Zones must be authorized by the Director. In municipalities, such authority is granted by an Ordinance passed by the Council or by other local legal authority. The adoption of a Resolution by the County Commissioners or Township Trustees provides similar authority in rural jurisdictions. Any regulation established in addition to those specified in ORC Section 4511.68 shall be indicated by the use of signs. Additional information concerning Parking Control Zones may be found in Sections 2B.39 through 2B.42 of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) and Chapter 1204 of the ODOT Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM).