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Highway Safety

These maps provide Ohio's safety and priority locations.  They are mapped statewide.  However, you can retrieve the maps for specific regions by typing the desired ODOT District Number, County Name, or Township Name into the filter below.

ODOT District Filter - Filter the contents of web parts by allowing users to enter a text value. ODOT District Filter

Type District Number

County Name Filter - Filter the contents of web parts by allowing users to enter a text value. County Name Filter

Type County Name

Township Name Filter - Filter the contents of web parts by allowing users to enter a text value. Township Name Filter

Type Township Name

‭(Hidden)‬ Township Tree Diagrams

​Township tree diagrams can be used in conjunction with the maps to better understand crash trend in rural townships. County Level Tree Diagrams cound be found on the 3rd and 4th pages of the County Fact Sheets to the left.