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Safety Resources and Crash Analysis Tools


​Crash Analysis Tools

The Highway Safety staff offer the following crash analysis tools as a supplement to  Crash Trends & Resources 

Below is a list of the most commonly used tools and links to more information.

GCAT Training Document.pdf
CAM Tool.xlsm
CAM Tool_Help File.pdf
Crash-DRAW About.pdf
Crash-DRAW Guide.pdf
Crash-DRAW Presentation.pptx
CAPE Tool_01092023.xlsm
Local Road Safety Plan Example_OMEGA.pdf
Local Road Safety Plan Template.dotm
expand Category : 1. Excel Tool ‎(1)
expand Category : 2. Release Notes ‎(1)
expand Category : 3. Examples ‎(13)
expand Category : 4. Misc Information ‎(2)
expand Category : 5. Help Files ‎(6)
2021 HSIP Priority Locations_Published.xlsm
1 - 1Next
HSM Focused Training Course Manual.pdf
HSM Freeway Analysis Training.pdf
HSM Overview Training Course Manual.pdf
Traffic Academy - Safety Studies.pdf
Crash Data Dictionary.pdf
HSIP Application and Scoring Tool.xlsm
Machine Learning Systemic Scenario Analysis for Ohio Roadway Departure and Pedestrian Crashes.pdf
Systemic Safety Project Application.xlsx