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Technology Exchange on Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance

Technology Exchange on Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance

Start Date: December 1, 2018
End Date: December 21, 2019

Researcher: Iowa Department of Transportation is leading this Pooled Fund

Participating Pooled Fund Study       
Study Description
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is organizing the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads to be held in Kalispell, MT, USA in 2019.

The conference features the latest information about low volume road management, design, construction, safety, maintenance, and many other related topics.
At this conference, those who administer, plan, design, build, or maintain low volume roads will learn innovative ways of managing low volume road systems. The conference is organized for practitioners worldwide in local, tribal, state, and federal agencies; universities; private firms; and international organizations.

The focus of the conference is to share research, case studies, and real experiences from transportation professionals who study and work with low volume roads around the world.

A technology exchange on Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance held concurrently with the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads represents a unique opportunity for pooled fund members to learn from practitioners and researchers worldwide on new technologies, engineering, practice and research related to low volume roads within their own states. The technical program of the conference is being organized by TRB and the Low Volume Roads Committee. The pooled fund will coordinate technology exchange activities concurrently with the conference.

The primary activities of this pooled fund project are technology exchange, information sharing, and the facilitation of partnering relationships among state agencies and participating members with FHWA, Local Public Agencies and other appropriate agencies and associations. Technology exchange activities in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads will be advantageous to participating members. Specifically, this pooled fund will: 

  1. Provide communication and information sharing among member participants: Discuss research, development and technology transfer needs in the areas of design, construction, maintenance, and safety on low volume roads and provide research ideas to TRB in the areas of Low Volume Roads. 
  2. Member workshop at the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads: Provide a technology and knowledge exchange forum to enhance the practical knowledge of pooled fund participants concerning low volume road management with a focus on encouraging State DOT and other agency participation in the pooled fund. 
  3. Pooled Fund Member Meeting on Low Volume Road Issues: Provide a technology and knowledge exchange forum focused on Low Volume Road issues. Topics may include agency collaboration, funding, asset management, shared ROW/utilities, safety programs, emergency response, training and certifications, maintenance of traffic, federal oversight, standards and specifications, contracting methods, environmental issues, energy development, maintenance, material sources and quality, and bonding. 
  4. Technology Transfer through paper publication and webinars on topics selected by pooled fund member in areas of Low Volume Road Design and Management.

Scope of Work:
The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) will serve as lead state for the execution of this Pooled Fund project. TRB will facilitate all administrative duties associated with the project and will invoice the Iowa DOT for reimbursement up to the amount available in the Pooled Fund.

The principle tasks are: 

  1. TRB will organize arrangements for the Low Volume Road pooled fund member agencies for the technology exchange on best practices in management of Low Volume Roads. The pooled fund will help support the travel and per diem expenses of pooled fund members associated with the technology exchange. This will include expenses to attend the 12th International Conference on Low Volume Roads. It is anticipated that individuals from pooled fund partner members may be invited to participate on the Conference Planning Committee calls to coordinate technology exchange events with the conference. These calls will help in coordinating the activities during the conference as determined by participating member agencies. 
  2. Meeting for Agencies ¿ TRB will provide for a learning session and technology exchange forum to be held during the conference at the same venue as the conference. The intent will be for pooled fund partners and other invited agencies plus invited speakers to discuss member agency issues related to Low   Volume Roads. This is an opportunity for the pooled fund partners to collaborate and share best practices and strategies for overcoming certain challenges. The exchange forum will be held during the conference due to the anticipated opportunity to interact with experts and other technical professionals at the conference. The Iowa DOT will coordinate the learning session with other pooled fund partners. The Conference Planning Committee will not be involved in planning the pooled fund partner session, though collaboration is expected on venue accommodations and conference program planning. TRB will synchronize the conference and pooled fund member activities to allow pooled fund members to accomplish its business and technology deployment goals while also providing opportunity to participate in key components of the international conference. 
  3. If funds allow, follow-up post conference webinars will be organized by pooled fund partners and led by TRB for dissemination and execution. The webinars will share highlights from activities and include an open forum question/answer discussion or it may be to highlight the best papers of presentation that pooled fund members find of interest from the conference. In addition, pooled fund member agencies will review topics and projects through a selection process and select those worthy of dissemination through publications.   

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