510 Dowel Holes

Materials (510.02)

Placing (510.04)

Documentation Requirements – 510 Dowel Holes


Materials (510.02)

Nonshrink, nonmetallic grouts include polyester, vinyl ester and epoxy grouts. 


Placing (510.04)

Note that when using cement grout the hole’s interior surface needs to be damp, while use of nonshrink, nonmetallic grout requires a dry hole.

It is necessary to use surface thermometers to determine the temperature of the concrete into which the dowels are to be inserted.  The specification require this temperature to be at least 40°F.


Documentation Requirements - 510 Dowel Holes

1.        Number, diameter, and depth of holes drilled

2.        Type of grout used

3.        Amount of cure time required prior to loading.  This is dependent on ambient temperature.