620.01  Description

620.02  Materials

620.03  Layout

620.04  Removal for Storage or Disposal

620.05  Installation

620.06  Method of Measurement

620.07  Basis of Payment


620.01  Description.  This work consists of furnishing and installing delineators or reflectors, removing existing delineators for storage or disposal, and restoring the surface where delineators are removed.

620.02  Materials.  Furnish materials conforming to:

Concrete, Class C or F................................................. 499

Reflectors................................................................ 720.01

Posts, flexible.......................................................... 720.03

Steel hardware......................................................... 730.08

Brackets................................................................... 730.09

Stainless steel hardware........................................... 730.10

Aluminum hardware................................................ 730.17

Reflective sheeting................................................... 730.19


Use flexible posts that have the same composition and physical properties as posts of the same manufacturer’s identification that were prequalified according to Supplement 1020.  The Department will furnish the names of manufacturers and identification of prequalified flexible posts upon request.

Delineators consist of reflectors mounted on flexible posts or brackets.  Rectangular reflectors are reflective sheeting adhered to either a flexible post or an aluminum plate.  If specified, furnish reflectors separately.  Use delineators conforming to the requirements of the OMUTCD.  The colors of reflectors of each type are:

Type C      Rectangular white

Type D      Rectangular yellow

Type E      Rectangular red


620.03  Layout.  Lay out all delineator locations to ensure their proper placement.  The Engineer will approve the layout before installation is started.

620.04  Removal for Storage or Disposal.  Remove delineators, including reflectors, posts, brackets, and miscellaneous hardware.  The Contactor shall store removed items on the project for salvage by the Department or disposal by the Contractor.  Remove and dispose of concrete for delineator post embedment.

Restore surfaces where delineator posts or concrete for embedment are removed.  Remove delineators designated for salvage by the Department without unnecessary damage, and store them at places approved by the Engineer within the Project limits.  Take ownership of delineators removed for disposal.

620.05  Installation.  Install delineators facing traffic, except install red reflectors facing wrong-way traffic.  Do not remove the protective paper covering the face of flexible post-mounted reflectors until after installation.  Ensure that posts are not more than 1:50 out of plumb.  If soil conditions may cause the post to be out of plumb, the Contractor may drive a pilot shaft before installation.

Install flexible posts using methods and equipment that conform to the post manufacturer’s recommendations on file with the Department unless prior written Department approval of alternate techniques is obtained.

620.06  Method of Measurement.  The Department will measure Delineator of each type and kind by the number, including reflectors, supports and hardware, in place, completed and accepted.

If separately itemized, the Department will measure Reflector of each type by the number.

The Department will measure Delineator Removed for (Storage or Disposal) by the number.

620.07  Basis of Payment.  The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item           unit                                Description

620             Each                                Delineator, Type ___, Post Mounted

620             Each                                Delineator, Type ___, Bracket Mounted

620             Each                                Temporary Delineator, Type ___

620             Each                                Delineator Removed for (Storage or Disposal)

620             Each                                Reflector, Type ___