651.01 Description
651.02 Construction Requirements
651.03 Method of Measurement
651.04 Basis of Payment
651.01 Description. This work consists of stripping topsoil from areas shown on the plans or from within the Right-of-Way limits, transporting, and stockpiling topsoil at locations shown on the plans or at locations elected by the Contractor with project approval.
651.02 Construction Requirements. Remove all heavy grass, weeds, or other vegetation over the areas before stripping. Keep the topsoil separate from other excavated materials. Remove topsoil before beginning the regular excavation or embankment work in the area. The depth of stripping will be per the plans or per the Project Engineer.
651.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Topsoil Stockpiled by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) completed and accepted, measured from the removal areas.
651.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will not pay for any removal of topsoil beyond the directed depth.
The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:
Item unit Description
651 Cubic
Yard Topsoil Stockpiled
(Cubic Meter)