660.01  Description

660.02  Materials

660.03  Lifting Sod

660.04  Preparation of Areas to be Sodded

660.05  Placing Sod on Slopes 3 to 1 or Flatter

660.06  Placing Sod on Slopes Steeper Than 3 to 1 But Flatter Than 2 to 1

660.07  Placing Sod in Ditches

660.08  Placing Reinforced Sod On Slopes 2 to 1 or Steeper

660.09  Watering

660.10  Method of Measurement

660.11  Basis of Payment


660.01  Description.  This work consists of furnishing, hauling, excavating for and preparing the bed, and placing sod.

660.02  Materials.  Furnish sod consisting of well-rooted Kentucky Blue Grass (Poa pratensis) or Canadian Blue Grass (Poa compressa) containing a growth of not more than 30 percent of other grasses and clovers, and free from all noxious weeds such as wild mustard, thistles, quack grass, and Johnson grass, and reasonably free from dandelions and crab grass.

Ensure that all sod is certified by the sod supplier that it complies with this item.  Ensure that the sod was recently mowed to a height of not more than 3 inches (75 mm).  Furnish a certificate with each shipment, and furnish the following additional information from the sod supplier:

A.     The name of the producer.

B.      The amount of sod shipped in square yards (square meters).

C.      The location of sod field.

D.      The location of job site.

E.      The date sod was cut.

F.      The thickness the sod was cut.

Furnish wood stakes that are at least 1/2 ´ 3/4 ´ 12 inches (13 ´ 19 ´ 300 mm).

Furnish T-pins that are 18-inch (450 mm) in length and ¼ inch (6 mm) in diameter and have a 3-inch (75 mm) tee.

Furnish round pins that are 18-inch (450 mm) in length and ¼ inch (6 mm) in diameter and have a 1.5-inch (38 mm) washer.

Furnish galvanized poultry netting 50 inches (1200 mm) wide with 2-inch (50 mm) mesh and No. 20 gage minimum wire.

Furnish fertilizer and lime according to Item 659.

660.03  Lifting Sod.  Furnish sod strips that are not less than 3 feet (0.9 m) and not over 6 feet (1.8 m) in length with a uniform width of not over 24 inches (0.6 m). Furnish sod strips that lay flat on skids. The Contractor may elect to deliver sod rolls of up to 25 feet (7.6 m) in length.  Furnish sod rolls that are pre-rolled on skids. Furnish sod cut to a depth equal to the growth of the fibrous roots but in no case less than 1 inch (25 mm).

Deliver sod to the job within 24 hours after being cut, and install it within 48 hours after being cut.

During wet weather, allow the sod to dry sufficiently to prevent tearing during handling and placing.  During dry weather, water the sod before lifting to ensure its vitality and to prevent the dropping off of the soil in handling.

660.04  Preparation of Areas to be Sodded.  Before placing the sod, excavate the sod bed to a depth that when the sod is in place the top of the sod is flush with the surrounding grade and conforms to the typical cross-section.  If specified, place the topsoil according to Item 659.  If specified under Item 659, apply commercial fertilizer and agricultural liming material.  Incorporate these materials in the areas to be sodded at the rate specified in 659.03 and 659.04 to a depth of not less than 1 inch (25 mm).  Incorporate these materials within 48 hours prior to placing the sod.  Immediately before placing the sod, rake the area or otherwise bring it to an even surface forming a proper sod bed.  If the area is dry, thoroughly water the sod bed.

660.05  Placing Sod On Slopes 3 to 1 or Flatter.  Do not place any sod when the temperature is below 32 °F (0 °C).  Do not place any frozen sod, and do not place any sod upon frozen soil.  When placing sod between June 1 and October 15, cover it immediately with straw mulch 1 inch (25 mm) thick, loose measurement.

Lift sod from trucks or storage piles, and place it by hand with close joints and no overlapping.  Plug all gaps between sections of sod and openings at angles with sod.  After laying, thoroughly water the sod, and tamp the sod with approved sod tampers sufficiently to bring the sod into close contact with the sod-bed and to ensure tight joints between the sections or strips.  Upon placing the sod, ensure that the surface of the sodded areas coincides with the finished grade.

660.06  Placing Sod on Slopes Steeper Than 3 to 1 But Flatter Than 2 to 1.  Place sod on slopes steeper than 3 to 1 but flatter than 2 to 1 according to 660.05, with the following modifications.

Lay sod with the long edges of the strip parallel to the contour starting at the bottom of the slope.  Neatly match successive strips, and stagger all joints by at least 12 inches (300mm).

For  sod placed 6 feet (1.8 m) or greater in height (measured along the slope), stake each strip or roll  securely along all sides with stakes not more than 2 feet (0.6 m) apart with the flat side against the slope or with pins not more than 2 feet (0.6 m) apart.   Drive the wooden stakes so that the last 1 inch (25 mm) remains above the top of the sod. Drive pins 1 inch (25  mm) below the top of the grass.

After laying, thoroughly water the sod, and tamp the sod with approved tampers sufficiently to bring the sod into close contact with the sod-bed and to ensure tight joints between the sections or strips.

660.07  Placing Sod in Ditches. Place sod in ditches according to 660.05, with the following modifications.

 Place sod in ditches with joints staggered at least 12 inches (300 mm). Stake each strip or roll securely along all sides with wooden stakes not more than 2 feet (0.6 m) apart with the flat side against the slope. Drive the wooden stakes so that the last 1 inch (25 mm) remains above the top of the sod.

660.08  Placing Reinforced Sod On Slopes 2 to 1 or Steeper. Place reinforced sod on slopes 2 to 1 or steeper or as specified in the plans according to 660.05, with the following modifications. Before placing the sod, place the galvanized poultry netting or equivalent.  Stake the galvanized poultry netting or equivalent securely to the subgrade by using pins or wood stakes. Place the pins or wooden stakes at 4 foot (1.2m) intervals. Fasten the netting to the wooden stakes with staples.  Where the sod width is from 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 m) wide, the Engineer will allow two strands of netting for a total width of 8 feet (2.4 m). For sod, stake each strip or roll  securely along all sides with wooden stakes not more than 2 feet (0.6 m) apart with the flat side against the slope or with pins not more than 2 feet (0.6 m) apart. Drive the wooden stakes so that the last 1 inch (25 mm) remains above the top of the sod. Drive pins 1 inch (25mm) below the top of the grass.


660.09  Watering.  Keep all sodded areas thoroughly moist for 30 days after sodding.  Repair any areas damaged following installation.  Ensure that sod is in place for at least 30 days before final acceptance.

660.10  Method of Measurement.  The Department will measure Sodding Unstaked, Sodding Staked, and Sodding Reinforced by the actual number of square yards (square meters) of area sodded, completed and accepted.

660.11  Basis of Payment.  If required, the Department will pay for topsoil liming and fertilizing under Item 659.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item           unit                                Description

660             Square Yard                     Sodding Unstaked
                       (Square Meter)

660             Square Yard                     Sodding Staked
                       (Square Meter)

660             Square Yard                     Sodding Reinforced
                       (Square Meter)