661.01  Description

661.02  Plant Materials

661.03  Labeling

661.04  Inspection

661.05  Location and Source of Supply

661.06  Scheduling

661.07  Transportation, Storage, and Handling

661.08  Layout of Plant Materials

661.09  Planting Holes

661.10  Planting Beds

661.11  Backfill Mix

661.12  Planting

661.13  Mulch

661.14  Pruning

661.15  Wrapping

661.16  Bracing

661.17  Period of Establishment

661.18  Removal of Stakes and Wrapping

661.19  Method of Measurement

661.20  Basis of Payment


661.01  Description.  This work consists of furnishing and planting trees, shrubs, vines, and other materials.

661.02  Plant Materials.  Plant materials include all trees, shrubs, vines, and plants required for the project.  Ensure that all plant materials conform to the current edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, as published by the American Nursery and Landscape Association.

Ensure that all plants are healthy representatives, typical of their species or variety, and exhibit a normal habit of growth.  Ensure that all plants are hardy under climatic conditions and grow in the same hardiness zone or colder as the one in which the project is located.

661.03  Labeling.  Attach legible labels to all specimens, or boxes, bundles, and other containers, indicating detailed information covering the botanical genus and the species name, the common name, the size or age of each species or variety, and the quantity contained in the individual bundles, boxes, and bales.  Remove all labels before the completion of the establishment period.

661.04  Inspection.  The Engineer will inspect and seal all plant materials on the project site with Department seals before use or planting.  The Engineer will inspect all plants to ensure they are healthy, vigorous, and free from harmful defects, decay, disfigured stems and roots, plant diseases, and insect pests.

The Department will give final acceptance of all plant materials only after the materials are planted and have met all the requirements of this item.  Remove the Department seals from the plant materials after the final inspection.

661.05  Location and Source of Supply.  Supply the Engineer with complete and detailed information concerning the source of supply for each item of required plant material within 15 days after receiving the notice of award of the Contract.

661.06  Scheduling.  Dig and plant all plants after September 15 and before June 1.  Plant replacement plants after September 15 and before June 1.  Water according to Item 662.

661.07  Transportation, Storage, and Handling.  Transport all plants from nursery sources to the project site with the entire load completely covered for protection from drying winds.

Thoroughly water all plants that cannot be immediately planted so as to keep the roots continually moist.  The Engineer may reject plants that are not adequately protected during transportation and storage.  Handle all plant materials by the root ball or container.

661.08  Layout of Plant Materials.  Before digging, use suitable staking to lay out the locations of all planting holes and beds.  Obtain the Engineer’s approval of these locations before digging.

661.09  Planting Holes.  Dig planting holes that have vertical sides and flat bottoms.  If setting trees and shrubs at grade, dig the planting holes to a diameter 18 inches (450 mm) greater than the root structure (earth ball).  See 661.12 for depth of planting.

Dig planting holes for vines and perennials to a minimum depth and diameter of 6 inches (150 mm).  Make planting holes for rooted cuttings and tree seedlings large enough to accommodate the root system.

661.10  Planting Beds.  One month before cultivation, treat all planting beds that are to be developed in areas of existing turf with pre-emergent and post-emergent type herbicides.  Use a State-licensed pesticide applicator to apply the herbicide according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Before planting, top dress all planting beds with a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm) of backfill mix, then cultivate it to a depth of 6 inches (150 mm) using a plow, disc, or roto-tiller.

661.11  Backfill Mix.  For all plantings, use backfill mix consisting of the following:

A.     One part excavated soil.

B.      One part sphagnum peat moss, shredded pine bark, or EPA rated Class IV compost.

C.      One part sand.

D.      A slow release commercial fertilizer (0-20-20 or equal) added at a rate of 5 pounds per cubic yard (3 kg/m3) to the backfill mix.

Do not use backfill mix in a frozen or muddy condition.  Mix backfill on the project site.

661.12  Planting.  Set plants in the planting holes at a level such that the top of the root structure is 1 inch (25 mm) above the surrounding soil.  Set each plant in the center of the planting hole, plumb, and straight.

If the Engineer determines that existing soils are compacted or poorly drained, set the trees and shrubs with half of the root structure above the existing soil level.  Add backfill mix around the root structure so that the edges of the root structure are covered by a minimum of 12 inches (300 mm).

Remove all twine, bags, and roping before backfilling the planting hole.  Remove the top one-third of the wire from root balls having wire baskets.  Remove all rot-proof burlap.

Backfill the planting hole with the backfill mix.  Fill the hole gradually and settle the backfill with water to the top of the root structure.  Do not fill around the trunks or stems.  Set balled and burlaped, or containerized stock as specified.  Set groundcovers and vines as shown on the plans.  Do not plant groundcovers and vines closer than 12 inches (300 mm) to tree trunks and shrub stems or within 6 inches (150 mm) of the edge of planting beds.  Before planting seedlings, remove all grass and weeds by scalping an area that has a minimum diameter of 12 inches (300 mm).  Plant seedlings in the center of the scalped area using a spade or planting bar.

661.13  Mulch.  Smooth and shape the backfill mix to form a shallow basin slightly larger than the planting hole.  Mulch these areas with a 4-inch (100 mm) layer of finely shredded hardwood bark of uniform texture and size.  Use shredded bark aged at least one year.  Rake and smooth the entire area of the planting beds, mulch to a depth of 4 inches (100 mm), and water thoroughly.

After mulching and before watering, add a slow release commercial fertilizer (12-12-12 or equal), in granular form, to the top of the mulch at a rate of 5 pounds per 100 square feet (0.25 kg/m2).  Do not allow the fertilizer to contact the stems, trunk, branches, or leaves of the plants.

661.14  Pruning.  To balance the loss of roots after planting, prune the branches of deciduous plants to preserve the natural characteristics of the species, following standard horticultural practices.  Remove broken, damaged, and unsymmetrical branches and other growth to ensure healthy and symmetrical growth of new wood.  Do not trim the central leader of the trees.

661.15  Wrapping.  Wrap all single deciduous tree trunks of 1 inch (25 mm) caliper and larger.  Before wrapping, inspect for insect infestation and take corrective measures.  Wrap trees within 48 hours after planting, using a double-layered, bituminous-cemented, waterproof, crinkled paper.  Start at the ground and wrap the trunk neatly and snugly to the height of the first branches, then attach securely.  With each turn of the wrapping, overlap the previous turn by half the width of the paper.

661.16  Bracing.  Brace all trees by staking as shown on the Standard Construction Drawing LA-1.2.

661.17  Period of Establishment.  Before final inspection, place all plants and care for them for a period of establishment.  The period of establishment begins immediately upon completion of the planting operations and continues until October 1.  The minimum period of establishment is one growing season, June 1 through October 1.

During the period of establishment, follow standard horticultural practices to ensure the vigor and growth of the transplanted material.  Water, remulch, restake, guy, and cultivate as necessary.  Perform at least two weeding and mowing programs (around trees, guy stakes, shrubs, and bed edges) of such intensity as to completely rid the planted and mulched areas of weeds and grasses.  Begin the first program on or about June 15 and the second approximately 8 weeks later.

On or about September 15, the Engineer will inspect the planting and supply the Contractor with a list of missing and dead plants and those that have died back beyond normal pruning lines.  Replant as required according to the specifications of the original material.  Replacement plants are subject to a new period of establishment.  Immediately replace plants planted initially in the fall that have died before the spring planting season.  Care for the replacement plants during the new establishment period.

661.18  Removal of Stakes and Wrapping.  Remove all stakes, guy wires, and wrapping material from all plants just before the final inspection, with the exception of the replacement plantings that have not been in place for a full growing season.  Take ownership of removed items.  Use all suitable material in the work.  Alternatively, legally use, recycle, or dispose of all materials according to 105.16 and 105.17.

661.19  Method of Measurement.  The Department will measure the number of plant materials of each species and size, completed and accepted, in place.

661.20  Basis of Payment.  The Department will pay 50 percent of the bid price when delivered to the project site and the remaining 50 percent of the bid price when planted.

At the end of the establishment period, the Department will make the final inspection and determine the actual number of living plants.  The Department will pay an additional 20 percent of the bid price for all plants living at the end of the establishment period.  The Department will not pay the additional 20 percent payment for plantings that did not survive the establishment period.  Replace all plants not surviving the establishment period at no additional cost to the Department.  The Department will extend the establishment period for all replacement plantings with no additional payment.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item           unit                                Description

661             Each                                Tree Seedling, (Size), (Species)

661             Each                                Perennials, (Size), (Species)

661             Each                                Groundcover and Vines, (Size), (Species)

661             Each                                Deciduous Shrub, (Size), (Species)

661             Each                                Evergreen Shrub, (Size), (Species)

661             Each                                Deciduous Tree, (Size), (Species)

661             Each                                Evergreen Tree, (Size), (Species)