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LFRD Training​

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collapse Group : 1. LRFD Loads & General Overview ‎(1)
AAC - Load Handout - Color.pdfAAC - Load Handout - ColorLoads & General Information
This course provided a general overview of the AASHTO LRFD design philosophy with specific focus on LRFD loadings, load combinations, and load distribution. This course was designed as the first of five LRFD training modules (LRFD Loads & General Overview, Reinforced Concrete Design, Prestressed Concrete Design, Steel Design, and Foundations).
collapse Group : 2. Reinforced Concrete Design ‎(1)
Final RC Slides.pdfFinal RC SlidesReinforced Concrete
This course provided an overview of the AASHTO LRFD reinforce concrete design philosophy with design examples customized to ODOT standard practice. Specific topics include: general flexure and shear design; fatigue; column design; deck, footing and retaining wall design; and the strut & tie analysis method.
collapse Group : 3. Prestressed Concrete Design ‎(1)
ODOT_Prestressed_Design_FINAL.pdfODOT_Prestressed_Design_FINALPrestressed Concrete
This course provided an overview of the AASHTO LRFD prestressed concrete design philosophy with design examples customized to ODOT standard practice. Specific topics include: live load distribution; moment, shear and torsion in prestressed concrete beams; prestressed losses; and simple spans made continuous.
collapse Group : 4. Steel Design ‎(2)
AAA - Slide Show Handout - Color.pdfAAA - Slide Show Handout - ColorSlide Shows
AAB - Example Problems Handout.pdfAAB - Example Problems HandoutExample Problems
This course provided an overview of the AASHTO LRFD steel design philosophy with design examples customized to ODOT standard practice. Specific topics include: fatigue and fracture; design of tension, compression and flexural members; shear design; design of connections; and plastic moment design.
collapse Group : 5. Foundation Design ‎(2)
In_class_Examples.pdfIn_class_ExamplesIn-class Exercises
LRFD Foundation Training.pdfLRFD Foundation TrainingFoundation & Earth Retaining Structures
This course provided an overview of the AASHTO LRFD foundation design philosophy with design examples customized to ODOT standard practice. Specific topics include: spread footing, driven pile, and drilled shaft design; and MSE walls and retaining walls.