670.01  Description

670.02  Materials

670.03  Construction

670.04  Maintenance

670.05  Method of Measurement

670.06  Basis of Payment


670.01  Description.  This work consists of furnishing, placing, and maintaining slope, ditch, and vegetated swale erosion protection as shown on the plans.

670.02  Materials.  Furnish materials conforming to:

Sodding.................................................................... 660.02

Erosion Control Mats............................................. 712.11


For slope erosion protection, the Contractor may use any of the above materials.  For ditch erosion protection, use only Item 660 Sodding or Item 671 Erosion Control Mat Type B, C, E, or G or as specified in the plans.  For vegetated swale erosion protection, use only Item 671 Erosion Control Mat Type B or as specified in the plans.

670.03  Construction.  Install sodding according to Item 660.  Install erosion control mats according to Item 671.

670.04  Maintenance.  Maintain sodded areas as specified in Item 660.  Maintain erosion control mats as specified in Item 671.

670.05  Method of Measurement.  The Department will measure Slope Erosion Protection, Ditch Erosion Protection, and Vegetated Swale Erosion Protection by the number of square yards (square meters) completed and accepted.  The Department will determine the area based on the surface area covered by the slope, ditch, or swale erosion protection.

670.06  Basis of Payment.  The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item           unit                                Description

670             Square Yard                     Slope Erosion Protection
                       (Square Meter)

670             Square Yard                     Ditch Erosion Protection
                       (Square Meter)

670             Square Yard                     Vegetated Swale Erosion Protection

                       (Square Meter)           

670             Square Yard                     Slope Erosion Protection Mat Type __

                       (Square Meter)           

670             Square Yard                     Ditch Erosion Protection Mat Type __

                       (Square Meter)           

670             Square Yard                     Vegetated Swale Erosion Protection

                       (Square Meter)                Mat Type ____