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The department obtained a Rockwell Aero Commander airplane to replace the aging AT-11.

Rockwell Aero Commander was one of the most elegant planes of its days. Equipped with retractable tricycle landing gear and powerful engines, the Aero Commander was very fast. Equipped with retractable tricycle landing gear and powerful engines, the Aero Commander was very fast.
The Aero Commanders positive dihedral high-wing made the aircraft a very stable platform for aerial photography. The plane was equipped with Kargl and Fairchild cameras.
The plane was modified for photogrammetric use. Besides the standard camera hole on the bottom there was also a side hole for taking oblique photographs. There was not much room inside the Aero Commander. The head protection cushion surely came handy when the photographer climbed to his seat.


The Beech AT-11 that was for so many years in service at the Ohio Highway Department was salvaged, but another AT-11 with similar history can be seen at the Air Force Museum in Dayton. This aircraft was also converted for aerial photography after the war. In 1969 it was donated to the museum by Abrams Aerial Surveys and restored to its original WWII look.

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