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Temporary Traffic Control Manual

​​Temporary Traffic Control Manual

For those interested primarily just in that portion of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) that deals with Temporary Traffic Control, Parts 1 (General), 5 (Low-Volume Roads), and 6 (Temporary Traffic Control) of the OMUTCD have also been reprinted together in a separate publication titled the Temporary Traffic Control Manual. This separate publication is also often referred to as the "orange book" because of its orange cover.

The Ohio Revised Code (Section 4511.09) requires ODOT to adopt a manual for a uniform system of traffic control devices that conforms to the system approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). To this end, ODOT publishes the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD), which establishes standards for design and use of traffic control devices that conform to the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The TTCM is simply a reprint of portions of the OMUTCD.

Section 4511.11 of the Ohio Revised Code requires that all owners of private roads open to public travel and local authorities in their respective jurisdictions place and maintain traffic control devices in conformance with the OMUTCD.

Printed copies of this publication are no longer available for ordering; however, PDF file(s) are available below for download.



collapse Status : 1. Known Errors ‎(1)
2015_00_Known Errors in the 2012 OMUTCD-TTCM_081415_adapted-082515.pdf2012 OMUTCD Known Errors List - adapted to show just the TTCM items2015_00_Known Errors in the 2012 OMUTCD-TTCM_081415_adapted-0825152012
collapse Status : 2. Current ‎(1)
2012_TTCM_Complete_draft_013112_fixed bookmarks and Part 5 title sheet 020112.pdfTemporary Traffic Control Manual (TTCM) - 20122012_TTCM_Complete_draft_013112_fixed bookmarks and Part 5 title sheet 0201122012
collapse Status : 3. Archive ‎(4)
TTCM_2005EditionRev2_031811_with revised pages_ready to post_bookmarked.pdfTemporary Traffic Control Manual - 2005 Edition, Revision 2TTCM_2005EditionRev2_031811_with revised pages_ready to post_bookmarked2005, Revision 2
TTCM_2005EditionRev1_122209_with revised pages_ready to post_bookmarked.pdfTemporary Traffic Control Manual - 2005 Edition, Revision 1TTCM_2005EditionRev1_122209_with revised pages_ready to post_bookmarked2005, Revision 1
TTCM_2005 Edition.pdfTemporary Traffic Control Manual - 2005 EditionTTCM_2005 Edition2005
TTCM_2003Edition_Temporary TC Manual_090203.pdfTemporary Traffic Control Manual - 2003 EditionTTCM_2003Edition_Temporary TC Manual_0902032003