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Office Of Material Management
Decorative Lighting
Listed below are Decorative Lighting manufacturers and their Light Pole and/or Base products that meet the Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Materials Specification (C&MS) 106.09 "Steel and Iron Products Made in the United States."
Decorative Lighting providers are required to be certified as a Fabricator of Light Poles and Light Towers per Supplement Specification1091;and listed on the Department's certified supplier list ;
Aluminum products are not required to meet C&MS 106.09 and as such are not listed on this webpage.
Last update June 10, 2008
1432 Maple Ave. NE
Canton, OH  44705

Nostalgia Series
Product Line Design Number
Click on design number to access design specifications.
National B1927, B1926, B1925, B874-26, B874-39, P874-730, P874-39
Columbian B2514, B2515,N5922, B807, P807, P1571
Colonial B2473, B2510
Empire B2359, B792, P2216
Imperial B2372, B2511, B2512, P2513
Euclid B1106, P1888, B1162, P842, B842,P1862
Pacific B1747, B1775, B2258, P2000
Metropolitan B1193, B1776, B1195, B1194, P1194
St. Paul B1351, B1353, B1355
Evanston B8872, P8872
Healdsburg B1538, P1538
Memphis B5861, P5861
Washington DC B2825
Lancaster P877
Providence C736-1
Lima 20 B20
Denver B1122-68, B1122-48
Harrodsburg B3, B5
Allentown P904
Chicago-Loop B1927-190
Los Angeles B1906
Pasadena P1944
Embarcadero B99-735
Area Lighting
Octaflute 231232233236-237
7002 North 288th Street
Valley, NE  68064
Product Line Design Number
Click on design number to access design specifications.
Area Lighting
Tapered Poles   DS210, DS220
Square Non-Tapered  DS330
Round Non-Tapered  DS340
Round Tapered Low Level Lighting  DS200, DS201, DS202
External and Internal Hinged Poles   DSF10, DSF15, DSF20, DSF35
Bracket Arms   Bullhorn, Spoke, Upsweep, Crossarm
Avenue Series 40
City Quartz Steel 12F, 8S, 16S, 4SS, 4W, 16F, 8FS, Smooth 210
City Quartz Brackets
Fluted Poles FLC30, FL30, FL90, FL210
Steel Anchor Base Smooth   HN 18/DS, ST18/DS, WA18/DS, WO18/DS
Steel Anchor Based Fluted    HN18/DF, ST18/DF, WA18/DF, WO18/DF
Steel Direct Buried Smooth   HN18/ES, ST18/ES, WA18/ES, WO18/ES
Steel Direct Burried Fluted     HN18/EF, ST18/EF,WA18/EF, WO18/EF
Street Lighting DS30, EM30, DS50, DS250, DS60, DS70, DS90, DS32
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