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Division of Construction Management

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 ‭(Hidden)‬ Content Editor Web Part

Division of Construction Management - Home Page


Division of Construction Management

 Joshua A. Bowman, P.E., Deputy Director
Claudette Durham,  Assistant to Deputy Director
 (614) 387-1250

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Division of Construction Management is to provide construction estimated costs, contract advertising, award of construction and purchasing contracts, contractor prequalification, support, guidance and advice for the administration and construction of a high-quality infrastructure to provide a safe and comfortable ride to the traveling public while minimizing construction time, costs, traffic delays and litigation.


Division Phone Number: (614) 466-3598
for other division phone numbers, please visit the Division of Construction Management's Contacts Page

 ‭(Hidden)‬ ODOT Prequalified Construction Inspector Requirements

Once all prerequisites have been successfully achieved, you must apply for prequalification through the office of Consultant Services. See FAQ for more information.
If you have questions, contact Marvin Harris @ 614-644-6690 or email to
    Below is a list of the ODOT only provided training/testing with information about registration:
    These prequalification requirements will be in effect with the September 2014 Programmatic Group. These requirements will also apply to LPA projects funded with federal dollars. ODOT will not begin processing requests for prequalification until January 2, 2014.

       ‭(Hidden)‬ ODOT Prequalified Construction Inspector