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Ohio Department of Transportation
Civil Rights and Labor Information



CRL Certified Payroll eLearning Courses

ODOT is pleased to introduce a set of FREE interactive eLearning courses for prime contractor and subcontractor personnel and anyone else who works with certified payrolls in AASHTOWare Project™ (AWP) Civil Rights and Labor (CRL). These eLearning courses were created by Infotech, the software contractor for the AWP software, and are hosted by Ohio LTAP. Since these are eLearning courses, you can take them (and retake them, if desired) at any time. These courses are valuable for those new to the software as well as experienced users who would like refresher training.

  • Module 1: Entering Data into the Payroll Workbook (35-40 minutes)
  • Module 2: Validating the XML (5-10 minutes)
  • Module 3: Importing Payrolls (5-10 minutes)
  • Module 4: Signing Payrolls (5-10 minutes)
  • Module 5: Reviewing & Progressing Payrolls (5-10 minutes)

To take these eLearning courses, please go to eLearning | Ohio Department of Transportation. This page shows three steps to get started, but most CRL users should skip steps 1 and 2. Step 1 covers registering for MyODOT, but CRL users already have a MyODOT account. Step 2 covers exploring the eLearning course offerings, but the CRL course offerings are too new to be included in the catalog. So, skip to step 3: Go to the eLearning System Instructions and follow the directions to register for the CRL eLearning courses and begin your training.​

For questions about or technical issues with course registration, please email for assistance. ​

Description Statement

AASHTO CRL is the gateway to the tools used to manage contracts, payrolls, base percent goals, on the job trainee goals, and compliance. Data received from external contracting users via XML will be used to replace hard copy, manual processes and ease tracking of Civil Rights & Labor processes historically maintained via antiquated methods.
To get started, utilize the XML Resources - Getting Started section below. More detailed explanation can be found on the Payroll tab. ​​​​​​​

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 ‭(Hidden)‬ Civil Rights and Labor Information

Getting Started
XML Resource Kit - For contractors with payroll systems and will be extracting data to produce an XML file for uploading into CRL.  This site contains resources for those contractors with existing payroll systems to aid creation of an extract of payroll data for upload into CRL.
XML Validator - For any contractor to validate XML files prior to uploading into CRL.  This can be used for either the template/spreadsheet created XML files or XML extracts from vendor payroll systems.

Excel Template - For contractors without in-house payroll systems Ohio DOT is providing an Excel Template for entry of up to 50 employee payrolls.  The Excel Workbook needs to be downloaded from this site to get started.  Once populated users can keep payroll records by period and simply update the hours accordingly for subsequent pay periods. 

Template Conversion Tool - Upon completion for a pay period users can convert the Ohio provided template to XML for upload into CRL.  The XML conversion utillity is free to use and does not store any information.  The site takes the Excel file, converts it and provides the correctly formatted XML file back to the contractor for upload into CRL.

How to Enter/Submit Certified Payroll?
  • Email CRL Support DOT.CRL.Support to obtain a User ID and Password for CRL Login site. 
  • Login to OhioDOT's wT Civil Rights & Labor Application (CRL)
    • ​Payroll Spreadsheet: This option will most likely be used for mid-level sized contractors who do not necessarily have a system in place to manage payrolls but do prefer to track information electronically as opposed to manually. The file format is Microsoft Excel and contains specific Ohio DOT classification codes for import into CRL.
    • XML Upload from Payroll System: This option will most likely be used for larger sized contractors who have payrolls systems and the capacity format extracted data per the provided XML schema.
    • Requirements for XML Formatting. Contractors will utilize this to work with their payroll vendors or internal IT staff to export payrolls to XML format. Provides all required schemas to allow conversion to XML format.
  • Job Classifications Standardization. This is the second tab on the payroll spreadsheet. This will house all job classifications associated with Ohio DOT projects.​
  • CRL Support Contacts. This list contains your first line of contacts when you have issues with your CRL payroll process.


 ‭(Hidden)‬ Vendor Resources

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Additional Resources

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Ohio DOT Reference Materials

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Quick Reference Guides

 ‭(Hidden)‬ About CRL

​Upon implementation, all Ohio DOT Construction Contracts will go through Ohio CRL System (date:  projects sold after April 15, 2015).  Requests for projects sold prior to this date should be submitted to

The system manages Ohio DOT's Civil Right requirement and provides contractors electronic access to submit Certified Payrolls, Bidder/Quoter Information, and Prompt Payment Reports.  It provides faster, easier and more accurate ways for contractors to meet government reporting requirements. 

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Contact Information

ODOT Civil Rights & Labor Implementation
1980 W. Broad Street | Mail Stop 3270
Columbus, Ohio 43223
Phone : 614-644-6628
For additional contact details, visit the CRL Contacts page 

Click here to take a CRL Training Survey