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​​​Worksite Traffic Supervisor (WTS) Prequalification

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​​​ODOT Prequalified Worksite Traffic Supervisor (WTS) Requirements
The WTS Prequalification process and requirements are in effect as of July 20, 2018. For all plans using the Worksite Traffic Supervisor plan note in the Traffic Engineering Manual published on July 20 2018, or later, a prequalified WTS will be required to fulfill the WTS role.
Once all prerequisites have been successfully achieved you must register for, and successfully complete, WTS prequalification testing through Ohio Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP). WTS prequalification expires after 5 years from date of successful completion and must be renewed to remain prequalified. See "WTS Training and Prequalification Testing FAQs" below for more information.
If you have a question, send an email to: