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collapse Office : Administration Construction Management ‎(2)
Joshua ABowmanDeputy DirectorJoshua.Bowman@dot.ohio.gov614-466-0017P.E.
ClaudetteDurhamAdministrator, Assistant to Deputy DirectorClaudette.Durham@dot.ohio.gov614-387-1250
collapse Office : Alternative Project Delivery ‎(7)
EricKahligAlternative Project Delivery AdministratorEric.Kahlig@dot.ohio.gov614-387-2406P.E.
JanetTreadwayElectronic Project Delivery Management Administration ManagerJanet.Treadway@dot.ohio.gov614-466-7514
ScottHootmanConstruction Data Administration ManagerScott.Hootman@dot.ohio.gov614-387-3207
ChaseWellsLPA Construction Contract & Partnering Manager Chase.Wells@dot.ohio.gov614-466-4789P.E.
Jamie FinkPEJamie.Fink@dot.ohio.gov614-644-6588P.E.
NeilCropperMaterials Data Administration ManagerNeal.Cropper@dot.ohio.gov614-275-1363
Donita WeatherspoonAdministrative ProfessionalDonita.Weatherspoon@dot.ohio.gov614-466-3496
collapse Office : Construction Administration ‎(10)
GaryAnglesConstruction Administration AdministratorGary.Angles@dot.ohio.gov614-466-7057P.E.
ClintBishopCPM Scheduling, Controlling Board,   Final Inspection, Claims Coordinator, and Dispute ResolutionClint.Bishop@dot.ohio.gov614-387-1164P.E.
JulieMillerPavement and Pavement Repair     614-466-3165P.E.
JustinGardnerGeotechnical, Earthworkjustin.gardner@dot.ohio.gov614-965-2128P.E.
HansGuckerHydraulics, Erosion ControlHans.Gucker@dot.ohio.gov614-387-3058P.E.
RebeccaWagnerTraffic & Roadway SpecialistRebecca.Wagner@dot.ohio.gov614-752-6970 P.E.
BobJessberger IntermittentRobert.Jessberger@dot.ohio.gov614-752-6696P.E.
FlynnMerkaChange Orders, Specification CoordinatorMerka.Flynn@dot.ohio.gov614-752-9018
collapse Office : Construction Management ‎(2)
ToddVanKirkSenior Contract Analyst, PurchasingTodd.VanKirk@dot.ohio.gov614-466-3209
MoserRebeccaTransportation EngineerRebecca.Moser@dot.ohio.gov614-466-7681
collapse Office : Contracts Sales & Estimating ‎(22)
NathanFlingContract Sales & Estimating AdministratorNathan.Fling@dot.ohio.gov614-466-2140
JosephAnthonyEstimating Managerjoseph.anthony@dot.ohio.gov614-387-0745P.E.
DaveKauffmanConstruction Cost EstimatorDave.Kauffman@dot.ohio.gov614-466-4051
JordanBergmanConstruction Cost Estimatorjordan.bergman@dot.ohio.gov614-387-4171
Phillip LockhartConstruction Cost EstimatorPhillip.Lockhart@dot.ohio.gov614-351-2886P.E.
RebeccaMoserConstruction Cost EstimatorRebecca.Moser@dot.ohio.gov614-644-8782
JRWolfeConstruction Cost Estimatorjames.wolfe@dot.ohio.gov614-387-0708P.E. & P.S.
ScottNewhouseFunding Managerscott.newhouse@dot.ohio.gov614-387-2317
Katie BethJacksonProject Coordinationkatie.jackson@dot.ohio.gov614-387-4245
NorkettaCarterProject CoordinatorNorketta.Carter@dot.ohio.gov614-644-7880
HeleneWareProject FundingHelene.Ware@dot.ohio.gov614-466-2346
RubyYatesADC IntermittentRuby.Yates@dot.ohio.gov614-387-1243
Nicholas KrafftSourcing Planner, PurchasingNicholas.Krafft@dot.ohio.gov614-728-0681
DeanciaBryantSourcing AssociateDee.Bryant@dot.ohio.gov614-728-9610
TeresaAdamsSourcing AssociateTeresa.M.Adams@dot.ohio.gov614-728-9608
JanetStarAdvertising Device Control RepJanet.Star@dot.ohio.gov614-351-5546
MarkJonesAdvertising Device Control RepMark.Jones@dot.ohio.gov614-387-3102
TinaCollinsBusiness Process
DaveBreecknerAdvertising Device Control RepDave.Breeckner@dot.ohio.gov614-351-5546
StacyDanLetting ManagerDan.Stacy@dot.ohio.gov614-466-8691
collapse Office : Materials Management ‎(8)
MillerDanMaterial Management AdministratorJim.Welter@dot.ohio.gov614-275-1351 P.E.
Suzy MillerAdministrator AssistantSuzanne.Pettet@dot.ohio.gov614-275-1317
BradYoungNew Products EngineerBrad.Young2@dot.ohio.gov614-951-2882P.E.
QuocTranStructural Steel Section Manager quoc.tran@dot.ohio.gov614-466-4082P.E.
MickeyCroninAggregate Section Manager mickey.cronin@dot.ohio.gov614-275-1343
EricBiehlAsphalt Section Manager 614-275-1380P.E.
AbdulQayumInformation Technologist/ Web DesignAbdul.Qayum@dot.ohio.gov614-275-1353
NathanPaykoffChemical Section Manager 614-351-5516
Specification Reference
collapse Office : Construction Administration ‎(7)
AnglesGaryConstruction Administration Administrator614-466-7057614-560-9514This area of support includes: field monitoring of the construction progress of major new projects, liaison between the DCE and the division deputy directors of construction and contracts, Partnering, OPI Goals facilitator between the districts and centra
Chair 100 Spec Committee
BishopClintCPM Scheduling, Controlling Board,   Final Inspection, Claims Coordinator, and Dispute Resolution614-387-1164This area of technical support includes all aspects of Critical Path Method (CPM) Scheduling (Suretrak and Primavera), Change Order assistance, Controlling Board, and Finalization assistance.
MillerJuliePavement and Pavement Repair 614-466-3165614-562-1692This area of technical support includes the entire pavement structure and pavement repairs with the exception of aggregate base.
Spec: 250 (entire), 301, 302, 305, 320 and 321, 401 through 409, 421 through 499, 608, 609, 615, and 618.
GardnerJustinGeotechnical, Earthwork614-965-2128This area of technical support includes all work associated with earthwork, aggregate base, aggregate surface courses, foundations, MSE walls, and geotechnical support structures.
Spec: 200s, 304, 410, 411, 504 through 507, 523, 524, 617, 623, 651 through 654, and 840
GuckerHansHydraulics, Erosion Control614-387-3058614-562-1519This area of technical support includes all environmental issues involving erosion control, all hazardous and regulated waste, 4S Permits, 401 and 404 Permits (SWPPP), and all drainage/hydraulic project features.
Spec: 202, 207, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605,  613, 616, 638, 651 through 671, 802, and 832.
FloodDavidStructures614-752-5728614-562-1578Area of Technical Support involves Structural Items including excavation, falsework, placing, sealing, and treating concrete, reinforcing and structural steel, painting of structural steel, prestressed concrete members, expansion joints and bearings, rail
Spec: 501, 502, 503, 508 through 520, 522, 526 and 610.
WagnerRebeccaTraffic & Roadway Specialist614-752-6970 937-538-0975This area of technical support includes all traffic and roadway items, specifically maintaining traffic, concrete barrier, guardrail, pavement markings, signals, signs/supports and highway lighting.

Spec: 606, 607, 614, 620-622, 625, 626, 630-633, 641-648, 656-658, 661, 662, 666, 710, 720, 721, 725, 730-733, 740

collapse Office : Materials Management ‎(5)
YoungBradNew Products Engineer614-951-2882614-588-4803New Product

TranQuocStructural Steel Section Manager 614-466-4082614-588-4805Structural Steel, welding, miscellaneous materials [i.e. guardrail, fencing, steel pipe, lighting, signing, high strength bolts, lumber]

Specs: 513 516-518 707 709-711 721 725 730-733 748 Supp Specs: 863

Supp: 1002 1011 1019 1042 1067 1068 1072 1078

CroninMickeyAggregate Section Manager 614-275-1343614-588-4813Natural or Manmade Aggregate Materials - Fine and Coarse aggregate - granular base and embankment - Rip Rap - Structural backfill - dump rock - slag - ashes
Specs: 203 304 307 320 518 603 703 Prop Notes:523 Supp: 1004 1005 1006 1017 1021 1029 1031 1040 1069 1071
BiehlEricAsphalt Section Manager 614-275-1380Asphalt mixtures, binders, joint sealers, fibers for asphalt, and other asphalt misc. items.

Specs: 301, 302, 401, 402, 403, 407, 408, 421, 422, 423, 424, 440, 441, 442, 443, 446, 447, 448, 449, 702

SS: 803, 822, 823, 826, 846 (OSE's spec but I manage the material), 856, 860, 861, 872, 875, 880, 881, 882, 887

Supplements: 1013, 1014, 1018, 1032, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1043, 1044, 1051, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1088, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1116, 1128


PaykoffNathanChemical Section Manager 614-351-5516 Pavement marking material, bridge paint, caulking, anti-graffiti coatings, deicers, diesel fuel, seeds, fertilizer, plants, and  liming material

Specs: 514, 632, 659, 660, 661, 708, 712, 720, 721, 726, 740,SS: 873, 905, 914

Supplements: 1008, 1022, 1048, 1062, 1065, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1087, 1089, 1121