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ODOT 2009

Construction Inspection

Manual of Procedures

These sections are updated on a continuous basis, and may not match exactly the printed version.

Complete PDF of entire manual:
 2009 Construction Inspection Manual of Procedures 14130 KB


100 General Provisions
Item Title Item  Title
  Foreword 106Control of the Materials
  Introduction to Construction Inspection 107Legal Relations and Responsibility to Public
  General Documentation Requirements 108Prosecution and Progress
101Definitions and Terms 109Method of Measurement and Payment
105Control of the Work  
200 Earthwork
Item Title Item  Title
201Clearing and Grubbing 206Chemically Stabilized Subgrade
202Removal of Structures and Obstructions 207Temporary Sediment and Erosion Controls
203Roadway Excavation and Embankment 208Rock Blasting
204Subgrade Compaction and Proof Rolling 209Linear Grading
205Chemically Stabilized Embankment  
250 Pavement Repairs
Item Title Item  Title
251Partial Depth Repair 255Full Depth Pavement Removal and Rigid Replacment
252Full Depth Rigid Pavement Removal and Flexible Replacement 256Bonded Patching of PCC Pavement
253Pavement Repair 257Diamond Grinding Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
254Pavement Planning 258Dowel Bar Retrofit
300 Bases
Item Title Item  Title
301Asphalt Concrete Base 308Asphalt Treated Free Draining Base
302Asphalt Concrete Base 320Rubblize and Roll
304Aggregate Base 321Cracking and Seating Existing Plain Concrete Pavement
305Portland Cement Concrete Base  
400 Flexible Pavement
Item Title Item  Title
401Asphalt Concrete Pavements - General 422Chip Seal with Polymer Binder
407Tack Coat 423Crack Sealing, Hot Applied
408Prime Coat 424Fine Graded Polymer Asphalt Concrete
409Sawing and Sealing Asphalt Concrete Pavement Joints 442Superpave Asphalt Concrete
410Traffic Compacted Surface 446Asphalt Concrete
411Stabilized Crushed Aggregate 448Asphalt Concrete
450 Rigid Pavement
Item Title Item  Title
451Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 499Concrete - General
452Non-Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement  
500 Structures
Item Title Item  Title
501Structures General 513Structural Steel
502Structures for Maintaining Traffic 514Field Painting of Structural Steel
503Excavation for Structures 515Prestressed Concrete Members
504Sheet Piling Left in Place 516Expansion & Contraction Joints, Joint Sealers and Bearing Devices
505Pile Driving Equipment Mobilization 517Railings
506Static Load Test 518Drainage of Structures
507Bearing Piles 519Patching of Concrete Structures
508Falsework and Forms 520Pneumatically Placed Mortar
509Reinforcing Steel 522Sectional Corrugated Metal Arch Structures
510Dowel Holes 523Dynamic Load Test
511Concrete for Structures 524Drilled Shafts
512Treating Concrete 526Approach Slabs
600 Incidentals
Item Title Item  Title
603Pipe Culverts, Sewers, and Drains 620Delineators
604Manholes, Catch Basins, Inlets, Inspection Wells, Junction Chambers, Precast Reinforced Concrete Outlets, or Monuments 621Raised Pavement Markers (RPM)
605Underdrains 622Concrete Barrier
606Guardrail 624Mobilization
607Fence 625Highway Lighting
610Cellular Retaining Walls 626Barrier Reflectors
613Low Strength Mortar Backfill 630Traffic Signs and Sign Supports
614Maintaining Traffic 631Sign Lighting
615Roads and Pavements for Maintaning Traffic 632Traffic Signals 
616Dust Control 633Signal Controllers
617Reconditioning Shoulders 638Water Mains and Service Branches
618Rumble Strips on Shoulders  
640 Pavement Markings 
Item Title Item  Title
641Pavement Markings - General 645Preformed Pavement Marking
642Traffic Paint 646Epoxy Pavement Marking
643Polyester Pavement Marking 647Heat-Fused Preformed Thermoplastic Pavement Marking
644Thermoplastic Pavement Marking  
650 Roadsides
Item Title Item  Title
652Placing Stockpiled Topsoil 660Sodding
653Topsoil 661Planting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines
656Roadside Cleanup 662Landscape Watering
657Riprap for Tree Aeration 666Pruning Existing Trees
658Tree Root Protection 670Erosion Protection
659Seeding and Mulching 671Temporary Erosion Control Mats
SS-840, 850, 851, and S-1015
Item Title Item  Title
SS-840Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls 851Asphalt Treated Free Draining Base
850Cement Treated Free Draining Base S-1015Compaction Testing for Unbound Materials