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2017 MOP

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ODOT / Working / Publications / Construction Administration Manual of Procedures​

​ODO​T 2017



Online Only
Ohio Department of Transportation
Office of Contracts
1980 West Broad Street, Mail Stop 4110
Columbus, Ohio 43223
Telephone (614) 466-3778, 466-3200

PDF of the entire 2017 Construction Administration Manual of Procedures ready for printing: Click Here
PDF of the Inspection Priority Spreadsheet: Click Here
New Excel Inspection Forms to be used: Click Here

for use on mobile devices, edited sections in each are highlighted yellow:
PDF of web ready 2017 MOP
PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
​PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
​​PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates ​10/19/2018​
​​​PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates ​7/19/2019​ Click here
​​​PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates​ 4/17/2020​​

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​​​​PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates​ ​7/17/2020​​
PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates​​ ​10/16/2020​​​ Click here
PDF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates​​​ ​​1/15/2021​​​ Click here
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
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P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
10/15/2021​ Click here
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quarterly updates
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quart​erly updates
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quart​erly updates
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quart​erly updates
P​DF of web ready 2017 MOP with quart​erly updates
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