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 ‭(Hidden)‬ Design-Build Overview


Design Build combines the design and construction of a project into one contract. The designing firm and construction contractor become a team, working concurrently on the design and construction phases of a project, expediting delivery.

The time savings in design build projects is realized by eliminating the lead time necessary to contract a designer, and then accept bids from contractors to build the design. Projects move from design to construction much faster through the use of the single design build contract.

Additionally, because the designer and contractor work in tandem, the contractor's changes can be incorporated into the design phase, eliminating the need for costly and time consuming changes during construction. This benefit also allows the department to estimate project cost early in the project development process, allowing for more effective budget planning.


The Department uses two types of Design Build contracting; Low-Bid Design-Build and Value-Based Design-Build.

In Low-Bid Design-Build contracting, the Design Build contract is awarded to the lowest responsive and competent bidder.

In Value Based Design Build contracting, the Design Build contract is awarded to the bidder with the best value score. Best value scores are determined based on a combination of bid price and a technical qualifications assessment.



Information regarding submittal information for design-build projects can also be found at the following link (Internal ODOT only): Contracts - Submittal Information (Internal Only). The submittal schedules assume a 23 week processing time (plan package delivery through award). Districts may request accelerated schedules for non-complex projects by contacting the Office of Contracts.


The correct address for prebid questions referenced in Section 3 of the Least Cost Design Build Scope Form is:
. The address is correct in the downloadable scope form, but may not be correct if an older version of the form was used to create the Design Build scope.


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 ‭(Hidden)‬ Consultant/Contractor Pairings

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