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ODOT / Working / Contracts / Bidding Construction Projects

Prebid Questions

Ask questions about upcoming projects here.

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Please use this form to submit ALL prebid questions.  Prebid questions will be posted on the web site even if there is not an addendum issued for that project.   An addendum may be issued depending upon the information received and the impact on the competitive bid letting process.

Upon completion of this form, please click the Submit button.  Submission of this form acknowledges acceptance of terms for use.   

Questions should be submitted 4 days before the bid opening. Questions submitted after this "deadline" will be reviewed, however, a response is not guaranteed.  

Please limit one question per submission. Since we can only post a response to a submission once, we can answer questions more expediently and maintain simplicity and clarity on the Prebid Question Answer page.

When attaching files, only attach PDF files and one attachment per question. 

 Simple Forms Web Part

* Indicates required field

Company *
Contact *
Email *
Reason Code *
Telephone *
Question *

 Prebid Questions - Reason Codes

Selection of a reason code is required with submission of each prebid question.


Code Description
00 Existing Plans (Structure, Roadway), Office Calcs and DGN Files
01 Quantity error (by improper calculation, plan carryover)
02 Design Error / Ommission unconstructable as detailed
03 Specification change requested
04 Current site conditions don't match plan
05 Utility issues (RR, Water, Electric, Gas, Telco etc)
06 Material availability (lead time for delivery, unavailable etc)
07 Maintenance of Traffic issues (phasing conflicts etc)
08 Clarification of plans, notes, or proposal required
09 Request a change to DBE/Edge goals or a change in work types
10 Completion date modification requested
25 Other - Not in List



 Guidelines for Submission

Pre-bid questions must be submitted using this form and contain the following:  Name of the Sender, Contractor or Company Name, Phone Number, Project Number, a detailed description of the question (including reference numbers or plan sheet numbers) and any prebid question reason code.  Please submit one question per submission.

Bidders are NOT to contact any other ODOT office, including District offices, for responses to pre-bid questions


Central Office Prebid Coordinator:


 Bid Documents

 Disclaimer - Prebid Questions and Answers

Prebid questions and answers provided are for informational purposes only and are not part of the Bid Documents.  If a question warrants a clarification, the Department will issue an addendum addressing the request.