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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ODOT / Working / Contracts / Bidding Construction Projects​​

Search  DigitalPaper for all current and archived Addenda, Expedite (EBS) Files, Proposals​, Plans, Bid Tabs, Signed Contracts, C92s, Prebid ​Meeting Notices and Project Specific Notices​.

​​Current & Up​​​coming ​Bidding Documents​​

​Report listing of all current & ​upcoming construction projects with bidding documents in the advertisin​g phase.​ ​
Contains direct links for addenda, planholders, EBS Files, plans and proposals.​​


 Instructions and Tips

Refine your search based on a District or use the inline "Find" to search a specific Letting, Project, PID, etc.  To export the entire letting click the Export Icon as shown below, there are several options for an export format.

Full page access to this report  (use if you are having difficulty using the frame below)