Project Informational Oversight
This site provides procurement information concerning the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Progressive Design-Build Project (ODOT PID 116649). The Brent Spence Corridor is a major thoroughfare for both local and national traffic; connecting two states that are critical to the movement of people, goods, and services. It is part of a nationally-recognized corridor for freight and interstate travel that covers eight miles spanning the Ohio Western Hills Viaduct to just south of Dixie Highway in Kentucky.
The Project (PID 116649) will reconstruct approximately 5 miles of I-71/I-75 in Kentucky and 1 mile of I-75 in Ohio and will include construction of a new companion bridge over the Ohio River just to the west of the existing Brent Spence Bridge. As such, ODOT and KYTC established a Bi-State Management Team (BSMT) with the authority to oversee the Project. ODOT will be the lead contracting agency but will team with KYTC in respect to the BSMT's efforts. The project design and construction costs are estimated at $3.1 Billion for the Design-Build contract.
Jan 13 2023 Update: The contracting procurement will follow a Progressive Design-Build Format. A Request for Proposals is tentatively scheduled for February 17, 2023. The PDB procurement will consist of a
single-step Request for Proposals (RFP) with interviews. The RFP will request qualifications,
understanding, and approach components for the technical submittal. While there
will not be a separate request for qualifications, the BSMT may (if necessary) create a “shortlist”
of the most highly qualified Offerors who’ve responded to the RFP; the BSMT
will conduct interviews with Offerors. Final selection will consider the RFP,
interviews, and a competitive bidding element.
Subsequently, final design and final construction costs will be
developed with the selected DBT with the NEPA preferred alternative being the
basis of the design efforts. Open-book
pricing will be compared to an Independent Cost Estimator.
Project Links of Interest
Upcoming Key Milestones
Key Dates (Approximate): - Draft RFP Release: 1/13/2023
- Final RFP Advertisement: 2/17/2023
- One-on-one Meetings #1: 2/23/2023
- One-on-one Meeting #2: 3/9/2023
- One-on-One Meeting #3: 3/14/2023
- One-on-One Meeting #4: 4/4/2023
- Proposals Due: 4/14/23
- Evaluation and Proposal Scoring: 4/21/23
- Interviews: 4/25/23
- DBT Selection Public Notification: 8/1/23
- NTP: 8/31/2023 (tentative)
See the link above for more details.
 | | 8/7/2023 2:28 PM | |  |  | | 6/1/2023 12:48 PM | ODOT and KYTC continuing to perform adminstrative reviews and scoring of submitted proposals. The award announcement is being extended to Late June/Early July.
|  |  | | 4/13/2023 4:12 PM | The remaining anticipated procurement schedule shall be as follows: Milestone Date Draft RFP Release: Friday, January 13, 2023
Final RFP Release: Friday, February 17, 2023
Last date for Offeror team registration (Form L (Offeror Registration)):Monday, February 20, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Pre-Proposal One-on-One Meeting No. 1 (Regarding the RFP): Thursday, February 23, 2023
Pre-Proposal One-on-One Meeting No. 2 (Regarding the RFP): Thursday, March 9, 2023
Pre-Proposal One-on-One Meeting No. 3 (Regarding Bonding and Insurance):Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Pre-Proposal One-on-One Meeting No. 4 (Regarding the RFP): Monday, April 3, 2023 or Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Anticipated final Addenda: Monday, April 10, 2023
Proposal Due Date: Friday, April 14, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time
Interview: Tuesday, April 25, 2023
DBT Selection Announcement: Week of 6/5/2023 |  |  | | 2/17/2023 2:51 PM | The Brent Spence Management Team (BSMT) has posted the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Project. The RFP consists of the Instructions to Offerors (ITO), the Progressive Design-Build Contract (PDBC), and PDBC Exhibits. The RFP also references Reference Information Documents (RIDs) providing additional project information. The Request for Proposals, and any subsequent addenda to the RFP, will be posted on ODOT's Contracting Website; reference project number 233000. The INITIAL RFP can be found here: Initial Posting. The competitive bidding element EBS file will be posted soon. The remaining procurement schedule is anticipated as follows: Milestone | Milestone Date | Last date for Offeror team registration (Form L (Offeror Registration)) | Monday, February 20, 2023, 1:00 p.m. (EST) | Pre-Proposal One-on-One Meeting No. 1 (Regarding the RFP) | Thursday, February 23, 2023 | Pre-Proposal One-on-One Meeting No. 2 (Regarding the RFP) | Thursday, March 9, 2023 | Anticipated final Addenda | Friday, March 24, 2023 | Proposal Due Date | Friday, March 31, 2023, 1:00 p.m. (EST) | Interview | Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | Apparent Best Value Selection Announcement | Monday, May 1, 2023 | Anticipated Award Date | Wednesday, May 31, 2023 |
Any questions concerning the RFP must be submitted through ODOT's Office of Contracts Prebid Portal only. Questions and subsequent answers on the RFP will be posted. Firms who wish to be identified as “Plan Holders" should register here: Planholder List Subscription. Planholders will be notified when addenda is posted. Links to previously released documents and other Project information can also be found on this website, however this information will be archived beginning Feb 24, 2023.
|  |  | | 2/10/2023 5:38 PM | The Brent Spence Management Team (BSMT) has posted the last intended set of updates of the DRAFT Progressive Design-Build Contract (PDBC), DRAFT PDBC Exhibits, DRAFT Instructions to Offerors (ITO), and Reference Information Documents (RIDs) prior to the intended Feb 17, 2023 RFP posting. These most recent DRAFT documents can be found here: 20230210 DRAFT Contract Docs_Revision 03. To assist interested parties in the review changes to the documents, “redlined" versions have been provided to demonstrate the revisions as compared to the 20230203 DRAFT Contract Docs_Revision 02. The history of the revisions can be found here: DRAFT Contract Versions. Updated RIDs have been uploaded to the “RIDs folder" (found here: Current Project Reference Info Docs (RIDs)) with an updated document inventory. The BSMT is providing these DRAFTs to help interested Offeror's in understanding the Project's contracting approach. Beginning Feb 17, 2023, the Request for Proposals, and any subsequent addenda to the RFP, will be posted on ODOT's Contracting Website; reference project number 233000. Any questions after Feb 17, 2023 must be submitted through ODOT's Office of Contracts Prebid Portal.
|  |  | | 2/3/2023 3:09 PM | The Brent Spence Management Team (BSMT) has posted updated DRAFT Progressive Design-Build Contract (PDBC), updated DRAFT PDBC Exhibits, updated DRAFT Instructions to Offerors (ITO), and updated Reference Information Documents (RIDs). These most recent DRAFT documents can be found here: 20230203 DRAFT Contract Docs_Revision 02. To assist interested parties in the review of the updates, a “redlined" version has been provided to demonstrate the revisions as compared to the 20230127 DRAFT Contract Docs_Revision 01. The history of the Original Draft release, the initial revision1, and this subsequent revision 2 can be found here: DRAFT Contract Versions. Updated RIDs have been uploaded to the “RIDs folder" (found here: Current Project Reference Info Docs (RIDs)) with an updated document inventory.
|  |  | | 1/27/2023 1:07 PM | To ensure information availability to interested parties, the Brent Spence Management Team (BSMT) has posted updated DRAFT Progressive Design-Build Contract (PDBC), updated DRAFT PDBC Exhibits, updated DRAFT Instructions to Offerors (ITO), and updated Reference Information Documents (RIDs). The updated PDBC, PDBC Exhibits, and ITO can be found here: 1/27/2023 Draft Contract Docs - Revision 1. To assist interested parties in the review of the updates, a “redlined" version has been provided to demonstrate the revisions from the 1/13/2023 Draft Contract Docs document release. Updated RIDs have been uploaded to the RIDs folder (found here: Current Project Reference Info Docs (RIDs)) with an updated RID Inventory.
Interested Lead Offerors should contact the BSMT at the email address if the Lead Offeror would like to hold a one-on-one meeting prior to Final RFP. Questions or comments concerning these documents, general procurement questions can also be directed to the email above.
|  |  | | 1/17/2023 1:16 PM | The Brent Spence Management Team (BSMT) has posted a DRAFT Instructions to Offerors (ITO), the DRAFT Progressive Design-Build Contract (PDBC), DRAFT PDBC Definitions exhibit, and the DRAFT project's Technical Requirements at the following link: 1/13/2023 DRAFT BSB Contract. The BSMT is providing these DRAFTs to help identify and resolve concerns regarding the procurement, terms and conditions, the project's Technical Requirements, and evaluation/selection criteria. The BSMT will entertain questions through the Comments and Questions on the website, or will take questions directly through the following email: The BSMT will regularly update these documents until the release of the Final RFP scheduled for Feb 17, 2023. Updates and/or revisions will be identified with each subsequent release. Previously posted Elements/Project Considerations document will no longer be updated as this recently released information is more comprehensive. The Reference Information Documents have also been updated. Links to these documents can also be found under the DRAFT Contract Documents on this website. Interested Lead Offerors should contact the BSMT at the email address if the Lead Offeror would like to hold a one-on-one meeting prior to Final RFP. The BSMT will attempt to reasonably accommodate requests.
|  |  | | 12/16/2022 5:15 PM | The Progressive Design-Build Key Elements/Project Considerations document has been updated and is found here: 20221216-BSB UpdateInfo. Highlights include an additional one-on-one meeting date, clarifications on participation, prequalification timing, peer review requirements, costing calculations, and an updated consultant participation matrix. Additional information documents for consideration are also posted. These non-binding Reference Documents, including an Index, can be downloaded from here: Reference Documents. The index will be updated as documents are added and/or revised.
|  |  | | 12/2/2022 4:05 PM | The project procurement schedule is being adjusted allowing a review period of DRAFT contract documents, Request for Proposals, and Scope of Services. After posting of the draft RFP, interested offerors may provide informal, non-binding, non-confidential feedback.
The intended revised schedule will be: Draft RFP Release 1/6/2023 Final RFP Advertised 2/17/2023 Confidential One-on-One meetings 3/2/2023 Proposals Due from Design Build Teams 3/31/2023 Design Build Team Interviews 4/17/2023 Apparent Best Value Announcement 5/1/2023 Design Build Contract Award 5/31/2023 This and other procurement & contracting updates can be found in an updated Progressive Design-Build Key Elements/Project Considerations. The BSMT is also providing three updated design files (116649_BK001_rev1.dgn | 116649_BF001_rev1.dgn | 116649_BP001_rev1.dgn ) depicting the most recent alignment revisions. Those revisions, and previously posted design files, can be found here: Design Files. The BSMT is also providing the latest Traffic Operations report.
|  |  | | 10/28/2022 4:14 PM | As ODOT and KYTC's Bi-State Management Team (BSMT) will be seeking the assistance of an Independent Cost Estimator (ICE) to provide independent cost estimating services for the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project (BSBC). The ICE will work under the direction of the BSBC Project Manager to develop an independent cost estimate for comparison with the Design-Build Team's estimate and the State's estimate created by the Administrator of Contracts & Estimating. For more information, see ODOT's 10/31/2022 Consultant Announcement. ODOT plans to solicit letters of interest in January 2023. For information on how to submit a Letters of Interest, please see ODOT's Consultant Services website. The BSMT has also made the existing MicroStation design files available for download and review. This information can be found here: Design Files. These design files are being provided as information only and the BSMT can not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of these files.
|  |  | | 10/14/2022 4:53 PM | KYTC and ODOT are providing the following documents for interested firms. - Updated Risk Register (GN-02_BSB_PDB_RiskRegister_20221004) – This is an update of the previously shared Risk Register.
- Concept I-W Final Design Summary Report (LD-01_Concept I-W_Final Design Summary Report_20220823) – The summary results of the preliminary design refinement resulting in the I-W preferred conceptual layout.
- Concept I-W Smart PDF (LD-04_BSB_SmartPDF_20220729) – A layered PDF of the Concept I-W.
- Concept I-W Potential MOT phasing (MT-02_Concept I-W_Phasing Plan_20220907) – Conceptual Maintenance of Traffic approach for I-W.
The reference information (above) can be found here: Project Reference Files ODOT and KYTC has also updated the Key Elements/Project Considerations document. The updated document (with revisions noted) can be found here: 2022-10-14 Update BSB Progressive DB Key Elements
|  |  | | 10/14/2022 4:34 PM | ODOT and KYTC is continuing to develop the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor contracting approach, procedures, and key Project considerations. The Project is being delivered utilizing a Progressive Design-Build approach. To address anticipated questions and concerns, the Brent Spence Management Team (BSMT) has created a DRAFT summary of key contractual highlights and overall Project elements. As all of the information is DRAFT, the BSMT will entertain early feedback on these described approaches/considerations. The BSMT will regularly share significant changes or additions to the information provided as they are further developed; updates may include revisions resulting from these inquiries. Send inquiries to
BSB Progressive DB Key Elements
|  |  | | 10/14/2022 4:32 PM | Given the current environment as it relates to project risk, inflationary trends, the need for ongoing engagement of the adjacent impacted communities and interested 3rd parties, the Brent Spence Management Team has made the decision to revise the procurement method from Value-Based Fixed-Price Design-Build (VBDB) to Progressive Design-Build (PDB). Progressive Design-Build will allow the Design-Build Team (DBT) and ODOT/KYTC to collaboratively consider and address major Project topics in a more open format which cannot be achieved with a Value-Based DB contracting method. Progressive Design-Build uses a best-value selection to determine the preferred DBT, followed by a process whereby the owner and DBT “progresses" towards a design and a resultant contract price. The DBT is selected through a combination of technical qualifications and “competitive bidding elements" without necessarily a fixed firm price. The DBT collaborates with the owner to create/confirm the basis of design, overall project requirements, and final design intent. Project design decisions are based on cost, schedule, quality, operability, life cycle and other considerations; the DBT provides ongoing and transparent pricing estimates. An “owner contract off-ramp" is an option if commercial and pricing terms are not agreed.
The competative bidding element process will be explained in an upcoming announcement.
For more information, see the following Graphic: Brent Spence PDB Graphic
|  |  | | 7/15/2022 3:12 PM | The current Project geotechnical information can be found here: 20220715GeotechBoringInfo. The location information is depicted in a PDF and KMZ file. Note: A “KMZ" file is a file that stores map locations viewable in various GIS applications, most notably Google Earth. The Excel workbook is to be used to reference the sheet boring ID number to the existing geotechnical report and report boring number. Hyperlinks to the numbered borings are within the Excel workbook. The BSMT continues its evaluation. The BSMT is also providing a PRELIMINARY working Risk Registry for the Project. Risk assessment, risk allocation, risk acknowledgement, and potential mitigation measures will continue through project development. The working Risk Registry can be found here: 20220715_BSB_RiskRegister_Preliminary
|  |  | | 6/30/2022 5:33 PM | ODOT and KYTC have posted the list of interested potential contracting leads who requested One-on-One Meetings during the June 7th 2022 Industry Forum. We also posted two KMZ files depicting the overall Project. These three files can be found here: BSB_KMZ_OneOnOneList
Note: A “KMZ" file is a file that stores map locations viewable in various GIS applications, most notably Google Earth. Of the two files, BSB_ConceptI-W_End_LinnSt.kmz depicts the Design-Build contract portion only. BSB_ConceptI-W.kmz also includes Phase 1 & Phase 2; the separate design-bid-build projects to the North. These files are preliminary. A YouTube video of the June 7th presentation can be found here: Brent Spence Bridge - Informational Forum - 6.7.22 - YouTube
|  |  | | 6/13/2022 3:48 PM | Thank you to all the companies, organizations, and individuals who participated in the June 7th, 2022 BSB Industry Forum. ODOT and KYTC is sharing the following information: General Session PowerPoint, Attendee Lists, and the various visual displays. Link: June 7th Forum Info
A recording of the General Session presentation will be posted soon.
|  |  | | 5/27/2022 3:47 PM |
ODOT and KYTC have developed a DRAFT Agenda for the upcoming June 7, 2022 BSB Industry Forum. While the final agenda may be modified, it can be found here: Industry Forum Agenda Lead Contractors who have requested One-on-One meetings will be notified directly of their specific meeting time.
|  |  | | 5/13/2022 3:28 PM | ODOT
and KYTC is inviting companies interested in working or leading the Project to attend an Industry Forum scheduled for June 7, 2022 (beginning 9 am) at the Northern Kentucky
Convention Center. There is a link to register to attend within the flyer.
ODOT and KYTC will also offeror the opportunity for One-on-One meetings
for interested DB contract leads in the afternoon. The
flyer registers you for the forum, but interested leads must send a request for a One-on-One meeting to: Industry Forum Flyer
|  |  | | 5/10/2022 3:32 PM | The State of Ohio and Commonwealth of Kentucky's requests for non-binding Letters of Interest is posted at the link above. An Industry Forum and One-on-One meetings will be held June 7, 2022 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center. LOI Request
|  |  | | 5/10/2022 3:24 PM | Ohio Dot and Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced their intent to procure the Brent Spence Corridor Project. 5/4/21 Announcement
|  |
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