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​​​​Dispute Resolution and Claims

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                                      ​Dispute Resolution and Claims


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Dispute Resolution and Claims Coordinator
Chase Wells, P.E.(614) 466-4789



Dispute Resolution Flow Chart - Flow chart of ODOT's Dispute Resolution and Administrative Claims Process


Claims Decisions Library - Comprehensive searchable list of previous disputes and claims decisions.

Dispute Resolution Boards and Advisors


On very large projects ODOT may choose to utilize a Dispute Resolution Board (DRB) process in place of the standard dispute resolution process. If a DRB is utilized Proposal Note 108 will be included in the Proposal and an Item Special, Dispute Review Board will be included as a pay item 

- Proposal Note 108- Describe ODOT's Current Dispute Resolution Board Process 
DRB Three Party Agreement

DRB Operating Procedures
Proposal Note 109- Describe ODOT's current Resolution Advisor Process
DRA three party Agreement
- DRA Operating Procedure
DRB DRA Members list.xlsx
Ohio's Office of Budget & Managements Travel Policy 
