Office of Roadway Engineering
Self-certify devices in NCHRP Report 350 Category I are shown for information. Devices in this category may be used that do not appear on the approved list if appropriate self-certification documentation is provided.
The process to have a product considered for inclusion on ODOT’s Approved Product Lists below is as follows:
1. Compile the following information, for each product to be considered:
a. Copy of eligibility “WZ” letter from FHWA for NCHRP Report 350 Category II Devices
b. Copy of self-certification letter for NCHRP Report 350 Category I Devices
c. A letter verifying the product conforms to the most recently published versions of the C&MS and OMUTCD
d. Detailed product information in a format as shown on the applicable approved product list, including a unique product name/identifier
e. Detailed product specifications and detailed dimensioned drawing of the product
f. Copy of sales brochure
g. Photo(s) of the product (if not already on the sales brochure)
2. Submit all the above information, via email, to:
Paul Beck, P.E., Transportation Engineer
Ohio Department of Transportation
Office of Roadway Engineering
NOTE: In order to be considered for inclusion on the MASH (Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware) Approved Product List for each of the devices listed below, please submit a copy of an eligibility "WZ" letter from FHWA that is in accordance to the MASH crash testing requirements along with 1.c, 1.d, 1.e, 1.f and 1.g described above.