254.01 Description
254.02 Equipment
254.03 Planing
254.04 Surface Patching
254.05 Surface Tolerances
254.06 Method of Measurement
254.07 Basis of Payment
254.01 Description. This work consists of planing the existing asphalt concrete pavement and disposing of the cuttings, and, if specified in the Contract, patching the planed surface.
254.02 Equipment. Use self-propelled planing equipment that has sufficient power and stability to consistently and efficiently meet the requirements of 254.05 and the plans. Use equipment with either grinding, sawing, or milling type cutters. Ensure that the cutters are mounted rigidly to the carrier and are adjustable to control the depth of cut and cross-slope. Accomplish longitudinal planing action by using equipment with a suitable carrier wheelbase or with an automatic control system having an external reference. Ensure that cross-slope adjustments or automatic controls are capable of producing either a variable or a constant cross-slope, as required.
For small or confined areas, the Contractor may use suitable supplemental equipment or methods approved by the Engineer.
254.03 Planing. Make one or more planing passes, as necessary, over the designated area to remove irregularities such as bumps, corrugations, and wheel ruts, and when required, to establish a new pavement surface elevation or cross-slope.
Remove cuttings from the surface following each pass. Before opening the completed area to traffic, thoroughly clean the surface of all loose material that would create a hazard or nuisance, or would redeposit into the surface texture. Dispose of cuttings according to 105.16.
Implement effective measures to control dust, pavement contamination, and the scattering of loose particles during planing and cleaning operations.
If damage occurs to the adjacent pavement by planing operations, repair the damaged area to the Engineer’s satisfaction. Ensure that the repaired area matches the adjacent pavement in terms of smoothness and mix type.
254.04 Surface Patching. Patch areas of the planed surface that the Engineer designates to have spalling or dislodged unsound pavement. Before patching, clean areas of loose material, coat with 407.02 asphalt material, and fill with Item 448, Type 1 material. Level and compact new material flush to the adjacent planed pavement.
254.05 Surface Tolerances. Plane the surface free from grooves, ridges, gouges, or other irregularities detrimental to the safe operation of vehicles on the planed surface.
If the Contract specifies planing without resurfacing, plane the surface to a smoothness of 1/8 inch in 10 feet (3 mm in 3 m). If the Contract specifies resurfacing after planing, plane the surface to a smoothness of 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m). Match the surfaces at the edges of adjacent passes within 1/8 inch (3 mm). Ensure that the cross-slope of the planed surface is within 3/8 inch in 10 feet (10 mm in 3 m) of the specified cross-slope.
254.06 Method of Measurement. The Engineer will measure the quantity of Pavement Planing, Asphalt Concrete by the number of square yards (square meters).
The Engineer will measure the quantity of Patching Planed Surface by the number of square yards (square meters).
254.07 Basis of Payment. The Department will not pay for repairs due to damage caused by planing operations.
The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:
Item unit Description
254 Square
Yard Pavement Planing, Asphalt Concrete
(Square Meter)
254 Square Yard
(Square Meter) Patching Planed Surface