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Reduction in Truck Miles Traveled


TRAC will recognize intermodal freight balance by awarding points to port and rail projects that reduce truck traffic on the road system.  TRAC will accept this factor as the daily reduction of track miles travelled (TMT) in the state of Ohio.

Truck reduction on an individual facility can be easily derived.  the volume of freight moving by rail or port can be converted into a number of trucks by equating one twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) to one truck.  The applicant can use this conversion factor to represent the number of trucks reduced form adjacent roadway, an calculate this reduction in terms of total truck miles travelled form the facility to the state line.

The other method is to calculate a regional truck traffic reduction, which would be represented as the reduction of truck miles travelled for the are of impact defined by the project applicant.  For example, a region could be within an MPO, within the state of Ohio, or within some subarea designated by the project applicant.  A feasibility study is required to validate this calculation and will be required as an attachment to the application.

Range​ ​ Points​
0​ 2,499 0​
2,500​ 24,999​ 1​
25,000​ 49,999​ 2​
50,000​ 74,999​ 3​
75,000​ 99,999​ 4​
100,000+​ 5