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QPL – Qualified Products List. Certain manufactured items will be allowed to be used without testing due to a history of good performance and superior quality control measures. Since these materials still need to be reported for tracking purposes, this simplified screen will allow project personnel to assign and authorize with ease.


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1. Add mode.

2. Small Quantity Indicator: Only supervisors/engineers will be able to authorize "small quantities". All employees on a project will be able to authorize items on the Qualified Products List. Place a "y" in this space for small quantity, otherwise leave blank.

3. Project number.

4. Producer/Supplier Code: F4 for a list of Qualified Products.

5. Material Code: F4 for a list of Qualified Products.

6. Total Quantity.

7. Brand Name of the material. May or may not be required.

8. Quantity for each reference number.

9. Quantity for each reference number.


10. Sample ID # will be generated by the computer.