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Contacts for Traffic Standards Publications
Provides access to ODOT Office of Traffic Engineering publications.

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 and to Request Copies


Traffic Publications Contacts

For Copies

The links from the left menu provide direct access to the traffic engineering publications published by the Office of Roadway Engineering. These publications and others may also be accessed from the Design Reference Resource Center page. That page also provides a subscription feature which allows you to subscribe to a list service that uses your email address to notify you of future revisions or other announcements related to ODOT publications.

Most of ODOT's publications are available only for downloading on-line. However, paper copies of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD), the Temporary Traffic Control Manual (TTCM), Standards Construction Drawings and the Guidelines for Traffic Control in Work Zones pocket guide are available through the Office of Contracts at 1-800-459-3778 or (614) 466-3778. 

The Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) is provided free to government agencies, schools and public libraries. Information on the charges for the OMUTCD, TTCM, Traffic SCDs and "pocket guide" are available on the publication websites for each publication. 


updated 06/23/20