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Ohio TODS Signing Program
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Ohio Tourist-Oriented Direction Signs (TODS) Program


Chapter 2G of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) addresses Tourist-Oriented Directional signs (TODS). Section 207-3 of the ODOT Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM) describes the Ohio Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) Program established by ODOT.

The Ohio Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) Program permits eligible tourist-oriented activities to be identified on directional signs established for the program. The signs are placed at conventional road and expressway at-grade intersections. This program is operated by a private company, Ohio Logos, Inc., working under contract with ODOT. All inquiries regarding this program should be directed to:

Ohio Logos, Inc.
4384 Tuller Road
Dublin, Ohio  43017
phone: (800) 860-5646
fax: 614-717-0836