| | Final | Aerial | The Ohio State University | Performance of GEOID09 for Height Conversion in Ohio | 134326 | | | 12378 | OPREP | | | |
| | Final | Aerial | The Ohio State University | Airborne LIDAR Reflective Linear Feature Extraction for Strip Adjustment and Horizontal Accuracy Determination | 134316 | | | 21370 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Aerial | The Ohio State University | Geo-Referenced Digital Data Acquisition and Processing System Using LIDAR Technology | 14799 | | | 76105 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Aerial | The Ohio State University | Airborne LIDAR: A New Source of Traffic Flow Data | 134145 | | | 76680 | OPREP | | | |
| | Final | Aerial | The Ohio State University | High-Accuracy Direct Aerial Platform Orientation with Tightly Coupled GPS/INS System | 14781 | | | | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Construction, Pavements | Iowa State University | Identification and Evaluation of Pavement-Bridge Interface Ride Quality Improvement and Corrective Strategies | 134375 | | | 83713 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Materials | Infrastructure Management & Engineering Inc. | Automated Laboratory Testing Methods for Specific Gravity and Absorption Verified to Match Current Methods | 134302 | | | 81382 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Pavements | Case Western Reserve University | Performance and Economic Benefits of Thick Granular Base for Flexible Pavement Design in Ohio | 134362 | | | 83470 | Student Study | | | |
| | Final | Structures | University of Cincinnati | Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Strategic Initiative 9 Pilot Bridge Concepts | 148110 | | | 76128 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Structures | University of Cincinnati | Innovative Bridge Design/Construction Techniques to Expedite Construction | 14791 | | | | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Pavements | University of Toledo | Evaluation of Guidelines for Subgrade Treatment | 14814 | | | 76131 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Construction | University of Cincinnati | The Evaluation of Warranty Provisions on ODOT Construction Projects | 14780 | | | 76089 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Structures | The Ohio State University | Performance Evaluation of Bridges with Fiber Reinforced Composite Decks | 14721 | | | | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental | University of Akron | Green Noise Wall Construction and Evaluation | 134556 | | | 89791 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental | The Ohio State University | Summer Ecology of Indiana Bats in Ohio | 134387 | | | 84127 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental | Cleveland State University | A Study of Bankfull Culvert Design Effectiveness | 134465 | | | 86908 | Student Study | | | |
| | Final | Hydraulics | Ohio University | Vegetated Biofilter for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects | 134349 | | | 83160 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Materials, Pavements | Ohio University | Performance Assessment of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) Pavements | 134312 | | | 81800 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental | Ohio University | Effectiveness of Noise Barriers Installed Adjacent to Transverse Grooved Concrete Pavement | 134365 | | | 83474 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental | Applied Research Associates, Inc. | Smart Sensor for Autonomous Noise Monitoring (SSAM) | 134370 | | | 83587 | OPREP | | | |
| | Final | Environmental, Pavements, Policy Development | McCormick, Taylor & Associates | Statewide Investigation of Noise Abatement Alternatives Final Report | 134253 | | | 80233 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental | Ohio University | Effectiveness of Tire/Road Noise Abatement Through Surface Retexturing by Diamond Grinding for Project SUM-76-15.40 | 134174 | | | 77854 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental, Maintenance | U.S.G.S. – United States Geological Survey | Effects of Highway Deicing Chemicals on Shallow Unconsolidated Aquifers in Ohio | 14437 | | | | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Environmental, Planning | University of Cincinnati | Archaeological Survey Methodology and Results | 14776 | | | 76076 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Geotechnical | The Ohio State University | Evaluation of Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) for Use with Transportation Projects | 134371 | | | 83593 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Geotechnical, Structures | The Ohio State University | Sonar Imaging of Flooded Subsurface Voids. Phase 1, Proof of Concept : Final Report | 134301 | | | 81287 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Geotechnical | University of Akron | Field Instrumentation, Monitoring of Drilled Shafts for Landslide Stabilization and Development of Pertinent Design Methods | 134238 | | | 79747 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Geotechnical | The Ohio State University | Bio-Engineering for Land Stabilization | 134169 | | | 77461 | Standard | | | |
| | Final | Geotechnical | Case Western Reserve University | Beneficial Utilization of Lime Sludge for Subgrade Stabilization: A Pilot Investigation | 134417 | | | 84968 | Student Study | | | |
| | Final | Geotechnical | Kent State University | Rock Slope Design Criteria | 134325 | | | 82337 | Standard | | | |