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U.S. 50 Waldvogel Lane Restrictions in Place

U.S. 50 Lane Closures in Place for Viaduct Work

 As part of the Waldvogel Viaduct removal and reconstruction project, U.S. 50 will be reduced to one lane in each direction, beginning Tuesday, Aug. 30.

The eastbound lane restriction ends at Evans Street and the westbound restriction ends at State Avenue. U.S. 50 (River Road) will remain as is to State Avenue for eastbound traffic. The restrictions will be in place, beginning at 9 a.m. Aug. 30, and will remain until completion of the project. 

A dedicated left turn lane from eastbound U.S. 50 onto State Avenue will be provided for eastbound traffic wishing to avoid the lane restricted segment of U.S. 50.
Vehicles over 16 tons are restricted from using the existing viaduct until it is replaced.

Arrow boards and/or signs will be in place to alert motorists of the upcoming lane closures.

 To help ensure the safety of the construction workers as well as the traveling public, motorists should remain alert, reduce their speed and watch for stopped traffic while passing through the work zone.