Please see the Revisions and Updates link on the left for a list of individual changes.
For questions or comments, please contact the Office of Hydraulic Engineering.
Roadway Engineering
Location & Design Manual Volume 1:LDM Section 100 – Design Controls and Exceptions
1. 105.2 – Controlling Criteria – Added possibility to have a lane width design exception on a low-speed roadway.
2. 105.3 – National Network – Provided information on the National Network and its lane width requirements.
LDM Section 300– Cross Section Design
1. 301.1.2 – Lane Width – Referenced Section 105.3 for the National Network lane width requirements.
2. 301.2.4 – Shoulder Cross Slope – Added a transition design for when the shoulder cross slopes vary between the roadway and bridge.
3. Figure 301-2 – Added Note D referencing the National Network lane width requirements in Section 105.3.
4. Figure 301-4 – Added the reference to the National Network in Section 105.3 in Note B.
LDM Section 400 – Intersection Design
1. Figure 401-8 – Added design information for a design speed of 65 mph.
2. Figure 401-9 – Added a design speed of 65 mph.
3. Figure 401-10 – Updated figure.
4. Figure 401-12 – Added design information for a design speed of 65 mph.
5. Figure 401-14aE – For signalized intersection analyses in HCS, added text, “Note, protected lefts must have a minimum contiguous duration of 7s.”
LDM Section 500 – Interchange Design
1. 505.2.1 – Multi-Lane Exits – General –Added text to limit the use of Figure 505-2b to System Interchanges. Added text for new Figure 505-2d to be used for 2-lane exits at Service Interchanges.
2. Figures 503-4a and 503-4b – Updated figures and details. Added Note E-4 on the Notes page which refers to revised SCD RM-3.1.
3. Figure 503-5 – Updated for the current truck design vehicle, WB-62.
4. Figure 505-1a – Changed the lane taper rates from the speed taper to the rates shown in Table A.
5. Figure 505-1b - Changed the lane taper rates from the speed taper to the rates shown in Table A.
6. Figure 505-2b – Changed to only be used at System Interchanges.
7. Figure 505-2d – New figure showing details for 2-lane exits at Service Interchanges.
8. Figure 505-3 – Updated figure and provided more guidance on lane tapers, lane reductions, pavement markings, etc.
LDM Section 550 – Requests for New or Revised Access – Interstate Highways or Other Freeways
1. §550.1 – General
a. Revised date to match new FHWA policy release date of May 22, 2017
2. §550.2 – Access Point Request Document
a. Copy/pasted FHWA’s May 22, 2017 two-point policy
b. Revised section regarding degradation to mainline
c. Added text that an Interchange Study needs to following ODOT’s PDP
d. Moved text for 6 policy points that are no longer part of the May 22, 2017 policy. These 6 items are now addressed prior to the IMS/IJS, as part of the Feasibility Study (FS) and Alternative Evaluation Report (AER)
e. Added text that ORE will not review an IJS/IMS that
i. Does not have an approved Purpose & Need; or
ii. Does not have appropriate study limits required to support the approved P&N; or
iii. When ORE did not review the FS and AER, when applicable; or
f. Add link to Interchange Studies course manual at the end of section where it is referenced
g. Removed Preliminary Access Point Request Document paragraph
3. §550.2.1 – Interchange Operations Study (IOS)
a. Added more examples of when an IOS is the appropriate level interchange study.
4. §550.3.1 – Study Methodolgy (General)
a. Added text stating another primary goal of an Interchange Study is to ensure traffic queuing at the off-ramp does not hinder mainline operations.
5. §550.3.2 Constrained Traffic
a. Revised text to step thru the process of when constrained analyses need to be performed and how to prepare them.
6. §550.4 - Environmental Studies
a. Removed section and replaced with Submission of Interchange Studies. Added requirement to submit a pdf of HCS/Synchro/SimTraffic results created from the software to enable searchable text and to submit traffic analysis files (HCS, Synchro, etc.) when all Interchange Studies are submitted
7. §550.5 - Review Process
a. Changed title to Review of Interchange Studies and moved portion discussing submissions to §550.4
8. Example Problem 550-1 (Constrained Analyses)
a. Updated to reflect current standards
LDM Section 600
– Figure 601-2 – changed wording of key for median barrier warrants to match the Roadside Design Guide
– Figure 603-2 – Minimum barrier clearance changed to “working width”. Working width of MGS with ½ post spacing is 3’6” and ¼ post spacing is 3’.
-601.2.1 – Safety Studies – added additional guidance on factors typically included in a safety study.
-602.1.4 – approach slope used with MGS barrier shall be 10:1 of flatter.
-603.1.2.1 - approach slope used with MGS barrier shall be 10:1 of flatter.
-603.1.2.3 - approach slope used with MGS barrier shall be 10:1 of flatter.
State Highway Access Management Manual (SHAMM) – Manual was completely re-written and updated.
Sign Designs and Markings Manual (SDMM)
July 20, 2018 Revision
As of July 20, 2018 this publication has been revised.
This revision includes updates of the Regulatory, Warning, and Guide Signs (Directional, Logo Signs, & Markers) chapters. One new sign (R9-H9a) has been added.
The updated publication and the separate revision package, which includes the Revision Log, are available from the ODOT Design Reference Resource Center, or from the Office of Roadway Engineering’s Traffic Standards website.
Per ODOT policy, revisions will only be available via the web pages noted above.
For questions, comments, or concerns please contact either:
Jim Roth, P.E., Signing Engineer
(614-752-0438 or
Scott Roeder, P.E., Standards Engineer
(614-752-6109 or
Standard Construction Drawings (Traffic-Related)
July 20, 2018
As of July 20, 2018, twenty-eight (28) SCD’s have been revised and one (1) new one has been introduced
The Index Sheets for the SCD’s have been updated as well.
The updated publication and the separate revision package, which includes a Revision Log, are available from the ODOT Design Reference Resource Center, or from the Office of Roadway Engineering’s website.
Per ODOT policy, paper copies of the publications are no longer distributed to all holders. Revisions will only be available via the web pages noted above.
For questions, comments, or concerns please contact either:
Duane Soisson, P.E., Traffic Control Design Engineer
614-466-3649, or
Scott Roeder, P.E., Traffic Standards Engineer
614-752-6109, or
Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM)
July 20, 2018 Revision
As of July 20, 2018 this publication has been revised.
The revision involves updates of the Title Sheet, preface materials, and Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
The updated manual and the separate revision package, which includes a Revision Log, are available from the ODOT Design Reference Resource Center, or from the Office of Roadway Engineering’s website.
Per ODOT policy, revisions will only be available via the web pages noted above.
For questions, comments, or concerns please contact:
Duane Soisson, P.E., Traffic Control Design Engineer
614-466-3649, or
Scott Roeder, P.E., Traffic Standards Engineer
614-752-6109, or
Pavement Engineering
Pavement Design Manual
The Office of Pavement Engineering has updated the Pavement Design Manual effective July 20, 2018. The major changes are as follows:
• Section 400
o Added a new section 403.1.1 on phase joints for pavement replacement projects on multi-lane highways using part width construction.
o In section 406.1.6, revised the guidance for Item 424 Type A not to use in high speed applications.
o In section 406.4, revised the guidance for Item 407 Tack coat to require a tack coat between all asphalt pavement lifts.
o In section 408, removed all information on Proposal Note 470.
• Section 550
o In section 552.2, added requirement to separately pay for removal of raised pavement markers with single chip seals.
o In section 553.2, revised the guidance on double application microsurfacing and shoulder rumble strips.
o In section 554.2, revised the guidance for Item 424 Type A not to use in high speed applications.
ODOT Office of Geotechnical Engineering
has made the following updates to publications and web documents, effective July 20, 2018:
Summary of ODOT SGE Updates
• Section 302.2.1 – updated link for obtaining historical geotechnical records
• Section 404.2 – adds requirement to send copy of calibration records for hammer system to Office of Geotechnical Engineering
• Section 404.3 – establishes 90% as maximum for drill rod energy ratio for use in calculating N60 values
• Appendix E – Overhead Rate for Calculation of Net Fee increased to 155.27%
• Appendix G – Updated ODOT Supplement 1122 Determining Sulfate Content in Soils report form
Other Geotechnical Exploration Updates:
• New Geotechnical Exploration Proposal and Invoice Forms.
• New (Supplement 1122) Sulfate Test Database Report form.
Geotechnical Bulletin Updates:
• New GB1: Plan Subgrades document.
• New GB 1: Subgrade Analysis Spreadsheet with embedded spreadsheet help.
• New GB 5: Interim Guidelines for Geotechnical Submissions document.
gINT Resources:
• ODOT gINT Library Updates
You can download the revised gINT Library file and current Data Template file (no changes for this Quarter) from the ODOT Office of Geotechnical Engineering website at:
The July 2018 update represents the latest version of the gINT Library and Data Template files. The files are subject to change with future updates.