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OMUTCD 1972, Revision 21

Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices

1972 Edition, Revision 21

The Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) establishes statewide standards for the design and use of traffic control devices on all public highway in Ohio.

Revision 21 of the 1972 Edition of the OMUTCD, published in 1999, is archived below. This is not the current edition of the OMUTCD. Please note that the signs shown in this manual may not be color accurate, for example, the background for some yellow signs in the Warning Chapter may appear orange. Also, this edition had an Addendum which should be viewed any time you view Parts 2 and 6 of this Edition of the OMUTCD, in case the Addendum has a change to the Section you're viewing.

collapse Group : 4. Separate Parts ‎(25)
file 00_Addendum.pdfAddedumfile 00_Addendum
file 01_CoverSheet_errata_RofR_title page_TOC.pdfCover Sheet, Errata Sheet, Record of Revisions, Title Sheet, and Overall Table of Contentsfile 01_CoverSheet_errata_RofR_title page_TOC
file 02_Part1_GeneralProvisions.pdfPt. 1: GENERAL PROVISIONSfile 02_Part1_GeneralProvisions
file 03a_Standardsigns.pdfPt. 2: STANDARD SIGNSfile 03a_Standardsigns
file 03b_Part2_Regulatory_files1-2.pdfPt. 2: REGULATORY SIGNS (File 1/2)file 03b_Part2_Regulatory_files1-2
file 03b_Part2_Regulatory_files3-4.pdfPt. 2: REGULATORY SIGNS (File 2/2)file 03b_Part2_Regulatory_files3-4
file 03c_Part2_warning_files1- 2-3.pdfPt. 2: WARNING SIGNS (File 1/2)file 03c_Part2_warning_files1- 2-3
file 03c_Part2_warning_files4-5.pdfPt. 2: WARNING SIGNS (File 2/2)file 03c_Part2_warning_files4-5
file 03d_Part2_GuideSigns_TOCandIntroduction.pdfPt. 2: GUIDE SIGNS - GENERAL TOC AND INTRODUCTIONfile 03d_Part2_GuideSigns_TOCandIntroduction
file 03e_Part2_Route Markings_files1-3.pdfPt. 2: GUIDE SIGNS - ROUTE MARKINGS (File 1/2)file 03e_Part2_Route Markings_files1-3
file 03e_Part2_Route Markings_files4-5.pdfPt. 2: GUIDE SIGNS - ROUTE MARKINGS (File 2/2)file 03e_Part2_Route Markings_files4-5
file 03f_Part2_GuideSignsConventional_files1-2.pdfPt. 2: GUIDE SIGNS - CONVENTIONAL ROADS (File 1/2)file 03f_Part2_GuideSignsConventional_files1-2
file 03f_Part2_GuideSignsConventional_files3-4.pdfPt. 2: GUIDE SIGNS - CONVENTIONAL ROADS (File 2/2)file 03f_Part2_GuideSignsConventional_files3-4
file 03g_Part2_GuideSignsFreewayExpressway_files1-2.pdfPt. 2: GUIDE SIGNS - FREEWAYS & EXPRESSWAYSfile 03g_Part2_GuideSignsFreewayExpressway_files1-2
file 04_Part3_Markings_files1-5.pdfPt. 3: MARKINGSfile 04_Part3_Markings_files1-5
file 05_Part4_Islands.pdfPt. 4: ISLANDSfile 05_Part4_Islands
file 06_Part5_Zones_files1-2.pdfPt. 5: ZONESfile 06_Part5_Zones_files1-2
file 07_Part6_Signals_files1-4.pdfPt. 6: SIGNALS (File 1/2)file 07_Part6_Signals_files1-4
file 07_Part6_Signals_files5-6.pdfPt. 6: SIGNALS (File 2/2)file 07_Part6_Signals_files5-6
file 08_Part7_Construction_files1-2-3.pdfPt. 7: CONSTRUCTION (File 1/2)file 08_Part7_Construction_files1-2-3
file 08_Part7_Construction_files4-5.pdfPt. 7: CONSTRUCTION (File 2/2)file 08_Part7_Construction_files4-5
file 09_Part9_BikeFacilities.pdfPt. 9: BICYCLE FACILITIESfile 09_Part9_BikeFacilities
file 10_Appendix_A.pdfApp. A: DEFINITIONSfile 10_Appendix_A
file 11_Appendix_B.pdfApp. B: ORC REFERENCESfile 11_Appendix_B
file 12_Appendix_C.pdfApp. C: SIGN INDEXfile 12_Appendix_C