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OMUTCD 2005, Revision 1

Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices

2005 Edition, Revision 1

The Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) establishes statewide standards for the design and use of traffic control devices on all public highway in Ohio.

The 2005 Edition, Revision 1, is archived below. This is not the current edition of the OMUTCD. Please note that a
 revision log with details about the changes between the 2005 Edition of the OMUTCD and Revision 1 of the 2005 Edition can be accessed below.

collapse Group : 1. Revisions ‎(2)
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00a_Announcement and Revision Log_122309.pdfOMUTCD 2005, Revision 1 - Announcement and Revision Log2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00a_Announcement and Revision Log_122309
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_set_revised pages combined_122309_bookmarked.pdfOMUTCD 2005, Revision 1 - Revision Set2005 OMUTCD Revision1_set_revised pages combined_122309_bookmarked
collapse Group : 3. Complete Manual ‎(1)
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_complete_122309_bookmarked.PDFOMUTCD 2005, Revision 1 - Complete2005 OMUTCD Revision1_complete_122309_bookmarked
collapse Group : 4. Separate Parts ‎(17)
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00_cover_122309.PDFPt. 0: COVER2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00_cover_122309
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00_spine_122309.PDFPt. 0: SPINE2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00_spine_122309
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00b_Title page_Preface_Intro_TOC_122309_bookmarked.pdfPt. 0: TITLE SHEET & PREFACE2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 00b_Title page_Preface_Intro_TOC_122309_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 01_Part 1_General Provisions_122309_bookmarked.pdfPt. 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 01_Part 1_General Provisions_122309_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 02_Part 2_Signs_122309_bookmarked.pdfPt. 2: SIGNS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 02_Part 2_Signs_122309_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 03_Part 3 Markings_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 3: MARKINGS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 03_Part 3 Markings_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 04_Part 4 HW Traffic Signals_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 4: HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SIGNALS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 04_Part 4 HW Traffic Signals_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 05_Part 5 Low Volume Roads_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 5: TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR LOW-VOLUME ROADS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 05_Part 5 Low Volume Roads_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 06_Part 6_Temp Traffic Control_122309_bookmarked.pdfPt. 6: TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 06_Part 6_Temp Traffic Control_122309_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 07_Part 7 Traffic Control School Areas_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 7: SCHOOL AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 07_Part 7 Traffic Control School Areas_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 08_Part 8 Highway Rail Crossings_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 8: TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR HIGHWAY-RAIL GRADE CROSSINGS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 08_Part 8 Highway Rail Crossings_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 09_Part 9 Traffic Control for Bicycle_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 9: TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR BICYCLE FACILITIES2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 09_Part 9 Traffic Control for Bicycle_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 10_Part 10 Traffic Control for HW light rail_no change 2005_bookmarked.pdfPt. 10: TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR HIGHWAY-LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT GRADE CROSSINGS2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 10_Part 10 Traffic Control for HW light rail_no change 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 11_Part 11 Appendix A_no change from 2005.pdfApp. A: LEGISLATION & RULINGS RELATED TO THE NATIONAL MUTCD2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 11_Part 11 Appendix A_no change from 2005
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 12_Part 12 Appendix B_no change from 2005_bookmarked.pdfApp. B: ORC-RELATED MATERIAL2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 12_Part 12 Appendix B_no change from 2005_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 13_Part 13 Appendix C_122309_bookmarked.pdfApp. C: SIGN INDEX2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 13_Part 13 Appendix C_122309_bookmarked
2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 14_Part 14 Index_notes_no change from 2005.pdfINDEX / NOTES2005 OMUTCD Revision1_file 14_Part 14 Index_notes_no change from 2005