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Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices

2003 Edition

The Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) establishes statewide standards for the design and use of traffic control devices on all public highway in Ohio.

The 2003 edition is archived below. This is not the current edition of the OMUTCD. Please note that a
 listing of the major differences between the Revision 21 of the 1972 Edition of the OMUTCD and the 2003 Edition can be accessed below. The 2003 Edition of the OMUTCD adopted a sign code numbering system based on that of the national MUTCD.

collapse Group : 2. Major Changes ‎(1)
OMUTCD 2003_major changes_111703.pdfOMUTCD 2003 - Major ChangesOMUTCD 2003_major changes_111703
collapse Group : 3. Complete Manual ‎(1)
OMUTCD2003 _complete.pdfOMUTCD 2003 - CompleteOMUTCD2003 _complete
collapse Group : 4. Separate Parts ‎(18)
cover insert_corrected_071003.pdfCover Insertcover insert_corrected_071003
cover spine_060503.pdfCover Spinecover spine_060503
file 01 thru 05_OMUTCD Title sheet  and other preface materials_060503.pdfTitle Sheet, Preface, Revision Record, Overall TOC and Introductionfile 01 thru 05_OMUTCD Title sheet and other preface materials_060503
file 06_OMUTCD Part01_062303_withTOC.pdfPt. 1: GENERALfile 06_OMUTCD Part01_062303_withTOC
file 07_OMUTCD Part02_060503_withTOC_revised.pdfPt. 2: SIGNSfile 07_OMUTCD Part02_060503_withTOC_revised
file 08_OMUTCD Part03_053003_withTOC.pdfPt. 3: MARKINGSfile 08_OMUTCD Part03_053003_withTOC
file 09_OMUTCD Part04_062303_withTOC_revised.pdfPt. 4: TRAFFIC SIGNALSfile 09_OMUTCD Part04_062303_withTOC_revised
file 10_OMUTCD Part05_060103_withTOC_revised.pdfPt. 5: TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR LOW-VOLUME ROADSfile 10_OMUTCD Part05_060103_withTOC_revised
file 11_OMUTCD Part06_053003_withTOC.pdfPt. 6: TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROLfile 11_OMUTCD Part06_053003_withTOC
file 12_OMUTCD Part07_060203_withTOC.pdfPt. 7: SCHOOL AREA TRAFFIC CONTROLSfile 12_OMUTCD Part07_060203_withTOC
file 13_OMUTCD Part08_060103_withTOC.pdfPt. 8: TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR HIGHWAY-RAIL GRADE CROSSINGSfile 13_OMUTCD Part08_060103_withTOC
file 14_OMUTCD Part09_060103_withTOC.pdfPt. 9: TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR BICYCLE FACILITIESfile 14_OMUTCD Part09_060103_withTOC
file 15_OMUTCD Part10_060203_withTOC.pdfPt. 10: TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR LITE RAIL-HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSINGSfile 15_OMUTCD Part10_060203_withTOC
file 16_OMUTCD Appendix A1_050103.pdfApp. A1: MUTCD LEGISLATIONfile 16_OMUTCD Appendix A1_050103
file 17_OMUTCD Appendix B1_042903.pdfApp. B1: ORC CROSS-REFERENCEfile 17_OMUTCD Appendix B1_042903
file 18_OMUTCD Appendix B2_050503.pdfApp. B2: ORC SECTIONSfile 18_OMUTCD Appendix B2_050503
file 19_OMUTCD Appendix C_050803.pdfApp. C: SIGNING INDEXfile 19_OMUTCD Appendix C_050803
file 20_OMUTCD Appendix D_Index_notes060503.pdfApp. D: INDEX/NOTESfile 20_OMUTCD Appendix D_Index_notes060503