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Regulations - Speed Zones
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Regulations - Speed Zones

A Speed Zone is a section of highway with a speed limit that is established by law, but which might be different from a legislatively specified statutory speed limit. ORC Section 4511.21 establishes speed limits for all streets and highways within the State. It also provides that the Director may alter speed limits, and that local authorities may request that the Director determine and declare a reasonable and safe speed limit on certain highways under their jurisdiction. Under ORC Section 4511.21 (K), a Board of Township Trustees may, by resolution, declare a prima-facie speed limit on unimproved highways and on highways under their jurisdiction which are within residential and commercial subdivisions. (The ORC may be accessed on-link using the Links Page shown in the menu on the left.)

Additional information concerning Speed Zones may be found in Section 2B.13 of the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD) and Chapter 1203 of the ODOT Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM).

Additional regulations on speed limits can be found in ORC Section 4511.211 (Speed limit on private residential road or driveway), 4511.22 (Slow speed), 44511.23 (Speed regulations on bridges), and 4511.24 (Emergency vehicles excepted from speed regulations). 


[INTERNAL ONLY] Access the Traffic Regulations Database and TRDMS FAQ Document.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Active Speed Zones