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Assessment of IRP Truck Licensing for Ohio Counties

Assessment of IRP Truck Licensing for Ohio Counties

Start Date: November 2014
End Date: September 2015


Project Completed

Researcher: Dr. Andrew Martin, University of Kentucky

To download a copy of the Final Report, click here.
To download a copy of the Executive Summary, click here.
To download the IRP Calculator (.xlsx file) for estimating IRP fleet impact within a single county, click here.

International Registration Plan (IRP) is an agreement among 48 states, 10 Canadian Provinces and the District of Columbia whereby a motor carrier can register commercial vehicle fleets for travel in all IRP jurisdictions by filing the paperwork with the home (base) jurisdiction. Fees associated with the registration of these vehicles are apportioned to each IRP jurisdiction based on various factors including total mileage driven within a given jurisdiction. As an IRP participating state, Ohio's Department of Public Safety (ODPS) coordinates the apportionment of IRP registration fees between Ohio and other participating states. In addition, ODPS coordinates the distribution of registration revenue between Ohio's various state agencies, counties, townships, and municipalities.

While registration revenue is distributed to local public agencies, there is a perception of a disconnect between the percentage provided to locals versus the actual impact commercial vehicle fleets have on local roads. While the state system is designed to accommodate large quantities of commercial vehicles, local roads are less equipped and are therefore more susceptible to pavement deterioration and stress promulgated by these types of vehicles. As a result, local governments may find it necessary to perform rehabilitation and repair activities more frequently or even earlier than anticipated. However, the revenue stream from the registration of these vehicles does not seem to be keeping pace. A locally conducted case study has identified a situation in which this disparity exists. There is a presumption that this is not an isolated event and local governments may be missing out on revenues needed to maintain the integrity and safety of Ohio's local roadways. Research is needed to investigate the overall impact of IRP truck registration to Ohio counties and to provide recommendations for improvements (if warranted).

The goal of this research is to conduct an analysis to assess the economic impact of non-Ohio registered commercial vehicle fleets based within Ohio jurisdictions. The objective is to determine the appropriateness for developing short- and long-term recommendations that address the registering and/or fee allocation process for IRP registration within Ohio. The findings of this research will either support or disprove a perception of disproportionate funding allocations related to IRP registration revenue. As a result, this will enhance the state's ability to ensure the appropriate retrieval and allocation of IRP registration revenue for maintaining Ohio's roadways. It will also equip local officials with the tools needed to conduct their own investigations as the economic and business situation of their locality changes over time.

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