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SMS- Known Issues and Alerts

SMS Known Issues and Alerts

Known Issues - Description - Temporary Fix

May 2014
  1.  Other People's Bridges are showing up: We know that and are working to correct this issue. Temporary fix: We have temporarily removed the ability to create or retire bridges. Once this issue is resolved you will have the ability to create and retire bridges and you should not see other entities bridges.
  2.  The Field Report has mapping errors:  Temporary Fix: Code these items in SMS and they will eventually show up on the printed report. For example, when a reviewer selects "Approve Final Report" the date they select that button is saved in the database it is just not displayed on the PDF print out.(9/17/2014 Current Mapping Errors include: Deck Edge and Superstructure Slab)
  3.  Forms Hide Randomly Within a report. Temporary fix, select F5 or 'refresh' until it is available.
  4.  Error occured in Updateservice.Update: The server method 'Update' failed, this indicates a time delay between your update and the website's update. Temporary Fix: Select 'OK' and continue working.
  5.  Quantities do not match the Inspection Manual: Updates will be made to the quantity equations and the text to match the manual. Temporary Fix: Make the inventory shortcuts and/or Total Quantity values match the manual i.e. what these quantities will be after the label is changed. (9/17/2014 Quantities for Culvert Seams, Culvert Headwall and Culvert Scour have yet to be updated to Each)  
  6.  Culvert Scour ratings do not match what was coded: this is a problem with the CEAO txt file uploader therefore it only affects users of the CEAO software. Temporary Fix: users must verify the scour rating for Culverts and update it accordingly.
  7.  Error Messages are wrong: There are no fatal errors stopping the inspection process. Inventory items 207 and 208 are backward. Temporary Fix: Do not use the errors for now. Ensure inspection dates and condition ratings are correct.
September 17, 2014:
  1. When performing an Element Level Inspection Inspectors do not agree with the Transition Rating (TR) or Recommended Rating (RR): Ensure CS 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.  Independently code the 9-0 Summary Rating based on historical guidance.  The equations for TR and RR will be adjusted based on inspector input over the course of the next few years.  They are only meant to help, therefore, if they're unhelpful please disreguard the TR and RR for the meantime.
  2. Offline Collector Not Working: Update after morning of 9/18/2014 and the corrected updates should take place.
Should you discover more issues that affect your ability to input inspection and inventory information please "Email SMS". Thank you for your patience in this transition.