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Build Bridges Faster, Smarter, Better


The primary goal of Build Bridges Faster, Smarter, Better is to minimize the disruption to the traveling public during construction as directed by the departments policy No. 21-008(p) "Traffic Management in Work Zones". In order to effectively comply with this policy, improvements in the speed of constructing , widening or rehabilitating bridges are being pursued.

In pursuit of these improvements on a state wide level, the Office of Structural Engineering (OSE) will partner with districts, designers, contractors and manufacturers to develop plan details on interim pilot projects. The details will be utilized on twenty-four pilots.

While these 24 interim pilot projects are used to develop plan details and determine time savings, projects entering the state wide programmatic process should include the following changes in scope language and process.

  1. Utilization of a two stage design scope process.
  2. Define the expected out of service duration for the involved structures.
  3. Utilize innovative contracting methods.
  4. Set sale dates that provide sufficient time for pre-production and pre-engineering and contractor VE studies.

As a minimum, the pilots will utilize the following faster bridge concepts.

  1. Stay in place forms (steel).
  2. Transversely post tensioned box beams with integral wearing surface.
  3. Single Span Steel beams continuous for live load.
  4. Post tensioned precast slab bridges.
  5. Weekend overlays.
  6. Precast deck panels.
  7. Precast substructure units.
  8. Other innovations to be determined.



Additional Information: 


  * For CD's, contact Mike Loeffler P.E., Assistant Administrator (614)387-6210