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Ohio Unified Certification Program - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise - Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

Ohio Unified DBE Directory


 ‭(Hidden)‬ Announcement

4/29/2021 3:30 PM: The DBE Directory is now usable except for viewing and printing certificates. We are working on a solution for this.


Enter search values into one or more fields and click "View Report". For a complete listing of all certified DBEs and ACDBEs in Ohio, click "View Report" without entering any search values. If you're having trouble with the directory contact or (614) 466-2878.

Search Tips

  • MSV Only or ALL field: If you are interested in seeing DBE MSVs (Materials and Supplies Vendors) that can provide materials and supplies on ODOT construction projects, select MSV ONLY. Otherwise, select ALL to search all DBEs. To see a list of all DBE MSVs and the products they vend, select MSV ONLY and then click View Report.
  • Name of Firm field: Type in a word from within the firm's name. If you do not know the firm's name, leave this field blank. Searches are exact. For example, a search for ABC Trucking will not generate a search result for a firm named A B C Trucking.
  • Search NAICS Descriptor field: Uncheck the NULL checkbox and type in a word from the NAICS title or Ohio UCP descriptor on which to search. This will narrow down the choices in the Select NAICS Code and Select Descriptor dropdowns. Check the NULL checkbox to restore all original NAICS code and descriptor choices to the dropdowns.
  • Select NAICS Code field: Select a specific NAICS code on which to search, or select 000000 if you do not want to search by NAICS code.
  • Select Descriptor field: Select a specific Ohio UCP descriptor on which to search, or select (Null) if you do not want to search by descriptor.
  • HQ County field: Select one or more counties. Note that this field only refers to the headquarters location and is NOT the same as the counties where the firm will perform work.
  • Cert. Type field: Select which certification types to include in the report: DBE, ACDBE, or both.
  • Firms to View field: DBEs that only count on FAA-assisted work will appear in the results with a gray background. Select All to see all results or select "Exclude DBEs that only count on FAA-assisted work" to exclude DBEs that only count on FAA-assisted work. 
  • How to format results field: Select Standard Directory to see results in a format best suited for printing or saving as a PDF; select Mail Merge to see results in a format best suited for saving to Excel.
  • Click the floppy disk dropdown and select PDF to save a printable PDF of the search results to your computer.

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