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Safe Routes Academy List of Courses

Train the Trainer Programs

These programs educate individuals to teach the topic to other adults, or to conduct a program in their community as the expert instructor. Attendees will be given instruction on how to lead community implementation of these programs, and/or conduct these programs in their community.

  • Walking School Bus Training – 4 hours: A walking school bus (WSB) or bike train consists of students walking a pre-planned route to school accompanied by adults. Learn about the value of walking school buses and bike trains as a student transportation option, the safety components of planning a WSB, and how to plan one for your community. For more details, click here for flyer.(Reference: ODOT Walking School Bus Training)
  • Crossing Guard Training – 4 hours:Crossing Guards add a vital element of safety to the school and community environment for students walking to school, and vehicular traffic before and after school.Crossing guards, unlike student safety patrols, have responsibilities that require a knowledge of techniques, youth behavior, traffic movement and emergency protocols.This training provides this knowledge, as well as hands on experience managing traffic. For more details, click here for flyer. (Reference: ODOT Crossing Guard Training)
  • Girls In Gear Training – 4 hours: Girls in Gear (GIG) is a girls-specific, bicycling program designed to empower adolescent (9-15) girls by building confidence and self-reliance through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities, physical exercise, community involvement and nutrition education.Attendees will learn about the program, and how to implement this 10-session program for girls in their community. For more details, click here for flyer. (Reference: Girls in Gear Lesson Guide)
  • Conducting a School Walk Audit – 4 hours: School walk audits identify assets and barriers to the physical environment and travel patterns within walking distance from a school. Walk audits are essential for assessing and cataloging the transportation environment for a school travel plan.Learn about the value of a walk audit, what to look for, who should be involved, and the variety of resources available that fit your community needs. For more details, click here for flyer.

SRTS Training/Implementation Programs

These implementation programs teach skills, processes and techniques to implement SRTS education, encouragement, policy and planning.Attendees will be provided instruction on these processes, programs and projects, and leave with tools, resources and next steps.

  • SRTS School Lesson Plans – 8 hours: This workshop introduces attendees to the Ohio Safe Routes to School Lesson Plans, classroom-based traffic safety education that align with Ohio’s academic content standards.Guidance is offered in three grade-based groups (K-2, 3-5, 6-8) focused on science, mathematics, writing, speaking & listening. Activities engage students through hands-on experiences.Most appropriate for teachers and educators. For more details, click here for flyer. (Reference: ODOT Safe Routes to School Lesson Plans)
  • Safe Routes to School – School Travel Plan Development – 4 hours: A school travel plan (STP) outlines a community’s intentions for enabling students to engage in active transportation as they travel to and from school.Ohio’s Safe Routes to School program requires applicants to have an ODOT approved STP when applying for SRTS funds.Attendees will become familiar with the Ohio School Travel Plan guidelines and template, and the five E’s of Safe Routes to School – Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement and Evaluation. For more details, click here for flyer. (Reference:ODOT School Travel Plan Guidance and Template.)
  • Non-Infrastructure Implementation – 4 hours: Four of the five E’s of Safe Routes to School – Education, Encouragement, Enforcement and Evaluation – are Non-Infrastructure tools. Unlike Infrastructure actions, which are usually changes to the physical environment, Non Infrastructure actions are programs, projects or policy that change habits, teach skills, improve awareness and elevate the value of walking and cycling through systems changes. For more details, click here for flyer. (Reference: ODOT Non-Infrastructure Toolkit.)
  • Incorporating SRTS into Wellness, School and Community Policy & Planning – 4 hours: Policy that addresses Safe Routes to School elevates active transportation as a way to improve health for students, staff and the community. Policies support healthy habits, create a safer environment for walking and biking and support community initiatives. Learn how your community can develop language to include in school, wellness, district and community policy and planning initiatives. For more details, click here for flyer.
  • Safety in Active Transportation: School & Community Planning – 4 hours: An active transportation plan (ATP) outlines the vision, goals and strategies to support increased walking, bicycling and other active modes of transportation. A plan can be developed by communities, organizations and agencies at the local or regional level. ATPs identify a combination of programs, policies and physical improvements needed to ensure the safety, comfort and convenience of active transportation modes, and can be an element of a broader planning process.Attendees will review steps to develop an ATP, and get started on planning one for their community. For more details, click here for flyer. (Reference:ODOT Active Transportation Guide: a Reference for Communities)

A minimum of fifteen participants is required to host a session, along with a room conducive to providing training. An overhead projector and projection screen or comparable wall space to use for projection is greatly appreciated, but not a minimum requirement to host a session.

We strongly encourage communities to work together when requesting sessions in order to meet the fifteen person minimum.

To request one or more of the nine programs, please complete the application form accessed below. You will be contacted for further coordination regarding your request:

Safe Routes Academy Training Request Application

Questions? Please contact the Ohio LTAP Center at 614-466-3129 or