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test505 south state route 741lebanon, OH513-933-6588
Pavement Marking
Middletown/Lemon Twp.  - Coming off S. Main Street merging onto to Rt. 4 there is a yield sign which nobody yields and cars need to merge.  Possibly put down pavement marking to improve the merge so cars do get forced off the road in the morning as traffic travels above the speed limit.
Stephanie Scheu505 S SR 741 Lebanon OH 513.933.6672
exit 10A on NB 75 - Ramp to rt126 west. The ramp is coming apart. Very rough at the bottom but the whole ramp has issues.
exit 10A on NB 75 - Ramp to rt126 west. The ramp is coming apart. Very rough at the bottom but the whole ramp has issues.
the ramp from 126e to 75 south is very rough where the two come together. I have seen cars get sideways from hitting those bumps. It would help if you would connect the Paddack on and off ramps with the 126 on and off ramps. Traffic would flow better.
On rt27 and 129 - there needs to be a turn lane at both lights for the north bound traffic.