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 Carnegie Ramp Info

 Environmental Impact Statement

expand Topic : Strategic Plan ‎(3)
expand Topic : Urban Design ‎(10)
expand Topic : Past Meeting Minutes ‎(4)
expand Topic : April 2009 Public Hearing ‎(21)
expand Topic : February 2007 Public Meeting ‎(18)
expand Topic : November 2005 Public Meeting ‎(15)

 Conceptual Alternatives Study, August 2006

This Conceptual Alternatives Study for the Cleveland Innerbelt refines and analyzes a series of transportation projects that evolved from the Strategic Plan for transportation improvements. This document outlines the development, analysis, and decisions of the process to identify a broad range of Conceptual Alternatives.  From the Conceptual Alternatives the report then names a range of Feasible Alternatives to be further studied in more detail. The use of this process is directed by ODOT and is documented in its Project Development Process (PDP).
expand Topic : Conceptual Alternatives ‎(15)

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